• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • His view did evolve after being talked to later about it. On the grounds that power dynamics involved in age differences create a coercive effect of even someone who could be mature enough to logically and emotionally grasp the concepts.

    He is also deeply in the libertarian mind set that illegal means enforced with guns and batons and restrictions of rights, and that puts a higher bar to what should be legal.

    Though I do totally agree with you on hero worship. Nobody is perfect and that impossibility is expontetially more true if want them to have been, to be and continue to be perfect forever.

  • Had a VM that batch processed files but some reason a couple of the files comming in was causing the procedure to crash and Gigs of files to get clogged.

    I was moving big chunks of those into the host tmp Dir (only place I knew was ok to throw rand stuff) to try and catch the offending files. TMP was actually a RAM disk, so I filled all availability memory and crash the HOST system (including multiple other critical VMs) and lost weeks of data (because you know I put it in a RAM disk …).

  • Desktop computers. I know more people that don’t have access to a full computer now than I did as a kid, with smart phones filling most of that niche for people.

    I miss them though, easy to maintinace, upgrade and tinker with. I love listening to old heads talk about early computing too where you were expected to really program for the hardware too.

    Old websites or services you just ran at home like email, bultin boards, mumble, etc.

    Cars you could work on at home. EVs ironically represent a potential to return us to that time because the extreme tolerances to make high mpg ICE just isn’t there, but most manufactures seem intent to add complexity and black box controllers to prevent that.