we’re so back (but i will be making a separate post for my circumstances)

  • lemillionsocks@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    I won a bid on a house, finally WON a bid, and signed the paperwork and house went into pending.

    But then because the seller realtor made a “mistake” and they managed to get another bid before we could get attorney approval letters filled out. So suddenly another offer came through and the seller realtor had a responsibility “in the interest of fairness” to present this offer even though contracts were already signed. In the interest of fairness they gave us the opportunity to outbid this offer, but of course they wouldnt tell us what that offer was to get an opportunity to potentially match it or just give up.

    And in 3 fun days I got the ups and downs of anticipation of getting an answer, the emotional high of finally winning a bid and getting a house, the hype from planning inspection dates and imaging where I can go from house and how I can make it my own, the excitement and joy in telling the people, then the dread of not knowing if I’ll be able to keep the house, and finally the anger and sadness from having this fucking shark take my house away right out of my hands.

    I’m staying positive I know we’ll find something, but this market is killing me.

    • joeross.me@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      even though contracts were already signed

      I don’t know what jurisdiction you’re in, and even though I’m a lawyer, I’m not your lawyer, and this isn’t legal advice, and I have never seen your contract,


      I would get some legal advice from a real estate or professional negligence lawyer in your jurisdiction if I were you. That situation has the stink of contract breach / negligent realtor all over it.

      • lemillionsocks@beehaw.org
        11 months ago

        Technically we still have a few days signing to get the attorney approval or rejection letter sent out. All theyre doing is having their attorney issue the rejection letter. So there really isnt much we can do on our end.

        We could try and force them to honor to contract or at least get some compensation for the shady dealings, but it wouldnt be worth the cost or energy, especially when it’s unlikely to yield any fruit.

        All I can do is hope karma gets them, and that the same kind of shady buyer that does stuff like this is going to be a predator when it comes to negotiating after inspection is done. “based on insert typical stuff I think Im going to have to drop my offer to 10k under asking price”.

        I will keep an eye on this deal to see how things roll, and I will try to resist the urge to egg the house on the regular.

    • Schedar@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      House buying is the absolute worst. I hate it so much…

      You have to decide so much, on so little information and time. Hell you can spend longer researching a cheap kitchen appliance than a house.

      Even when it’s all sorted it’s not really… not until you finally have the keys.

      The only way I could be stay sane was shifting my way of thinking… eventually you will find your home and before long you’ll be making memories in it and will absolutely love your house. Every house you missed on was really a good thing in the end as it will lead you to that one house, your proper home.

      • lemillionsocks@beehaw.org
        11 months ago

        Oh yeah, Im staying positive. I liked the area the house was in, and I think the house itself had a lot to offer, but it wasnt special and there are other houses. I’ll find something better in the meantime though I deeply dislike having to get back into the grind.

  • RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    Very weird. I keep doing things and not being quite sure who’s doing them. Having trouble not feeling super alone and isolated but also having trouble feeling like I’m me so it’s kinda better in a weird way? Very strange. … Kinda just wanted to tell somecritter about that, I guess 🤷‍♀

    I hope it’s okay if I pretend to bee a beehawer for a sec <.< I figure I kinda am in spirit, so maybe it’s okay? Though lately Idunno if I’m me so who knows. wobbles awkwardly

    • jwhardcastle@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      Thank you for sharing. I don’t have any special pearls of wisdom, except to say that I see you, you are not alone.

      If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here. I’m sure the same is true for many folks on this big, federated universe.

      And if you don’t have someone to talk to in your world offline, there are plenty of resources for folks who would be happy to listen if you care to share more.

      Hang in there!

  • Gaywallet (they/it)@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    My nesting partner played outside lands on Sunday and I’ve been busy getting ready for a planned surgery next week which will have me out of office for a bit on recovery so I’m notably exhausted today. While life has been weird and rocky lately, my spirits are actually quite high at this point in time. I’m enjoying life, and looking forward to having some time off work to spin up some projects and spend time and socialize with my loved ones more 😄

  • CaptainPike@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Ready to jump off of a fucking cliff.

    • Last week, Roommate loses extraordinary amount of money to a scammer. We ended up behind on rent and were served an eviction notice. Dealing with a rent bank now.

    • Last week is also my 31st birthday and I end up having a gout flare up. Because you know. That’s fun. I usually have to walk with a cane because of a worthless knee but now I get to add a worthless foot on the other leg so yay.

    • Couldn’t afford food or medication or really anything. Not as much of a problem at the moment but the stress still exists and having to plan for next month when the same situation is likely going to happen.

    • This morning I got off the toilet and put pressure on the wrong part of my foot. Instant agony and I shift balance to the other foot but it’s not in a position to support my weight. Grab for something to steady myself and all I grab is the toilet seat which gets part of it ripped off of the toilet. So now I have to buy a fucking toilet seat as well. I am hobbling right now. It takes me 30 seconds to move to the bathroom which is next door to my bedroom. Normally that’s like… 3 seconds. So god knows when i’ll be able to go out and get a toilet seat. So that’s gonna end up with me positioned weirdly for the next week until this dies down.

    • New chest pain that is not fun and god knows what the fuck is happening there but I can’t see a doctor about it anytime soon. It’s not 911 level of emergency. It’s more of a nagging thing that comes and goes and feels muscular but still.

    • What is scary is heart has been doing a thing. Beating it’s own samba every now and again.

    • I wrote myself into a corner with my DnD campaign and now I don’t know what the fuck to do. We have a session tonight which will be finishing up a oneshot from before but still. I don’t know what i’m gonna do and I can’t think straight.

    Please someone put me out of my misery.

      • CaptainPike@beehaw.org
        11 months ago

        Unfortunately I cannot afford it or leave the house to even buy it in the first place. Walking is essentially out. It feels like my foot is going to pop it’s so swollen.

        • Quexotic@beehaw.org
          11 months ago

          I’m not sure what to say. This is what Dr. GPT says:

          "If you don’t have access to a doctor due to financial constraints, there are still some steps you can take to manage gout:

          1. Dietary Changes: Modify your diet to include foods that are low in purines, as high purine intake can contribute to gout. Avoid or limit organ meats, shellfish, and alcohol. Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

          2. Hydration: Staying hydrated helps to flush out excess uric acid from your body. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

          3. Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of gout flare-ups. Losing weight if you’re overweight can help manage gout symptoms.

          4. Home Remedies: Some natural remedies like cherry juice, ginger, and turmeric have been suggested to have anti-inflammatory properties that might offer relief. However, their effectiveness varies among individuals.

          5. Over-the-Counter Medications: Non-prescription pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen may help alleviate pain and inflammation. Always follow the recommended dosages and consult the package instructions.

          6. Lifestyle Changes: Avoid alcohol and limit consumption of sugary beverages, as they can exacerbate gout symptoms.

          7. Rest and Elevation: Resting the affected joint and elevating it can help reduce pain and swelling during a gout flare-up.

          Remember, while these steps might provide some relief, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice. If your symptoms worsen or become unbearable, it’s important to find a way to consult a healthcare professional, even if it means seeking out free or low-cost clinics, community health centers, or government health services in your area."

          Maybe there are some low cost clinics in town.

  • neutron@thelemmy.club
    11 months ago

    Back to work. The medicine I got prescribed did its job and I’m not as drowsy as I used to. There’s still the job part - some stuff isn’t working as intended and I’m supposed to fix this by today. I love databases, lol.

  • YourHeroes4Ghosts@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Still trying to come to terms with my new CPAP. I worked out a few bugs only to develop new ones. According to my smartwatch I’m still not staying in deep sleep for more than a minute or two at a time, and I’m absolutely exhausted. I’m hoping that it’s just that the CPAP works as intended but I’m not used to it yet, because I’m not going to get any help from the ResMed drone who gave it to me. I’m relying on YouTube for advice, which has been both helpful and worrying- my device is apparently an APAP and many of the YouTube experts hate them and even call them dangerous.

    I also got a stomach virus late last week, which I’m still getting over, which isn’t conducive to good sleep. I had a massive fight with my adult son the day before I got sick, and then spent the weekend melting down from the sheer overwhelm of the exhaustion, illness, and emotional crap. I’ve been locked in my room since last Thursday and I’m not sure when it’ll be safe to emerge.

  • PurrJPro@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Pretty good! I’m going to be able to get the first part to my custom PC next month (GPU, Raedon 6800 XT) so I’m pretty excited!

  • autumn (she/they)@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    the weekend at the beach will be over tonight. i had too much work today, so i couldn’t even pop out at lunchtime. still, i do think i got a bit of relaxing time in, and i feel a bit more even keeled than i have in awhile.

    got my first few house sitting requests on rover. hopefully a few of them will actually go through so i can get a lil’ extra money. my own dog needs a tooth pulled, but i’ve been putting it off because it’s expensive and it’s not bothering him to the point that he’s not eating. hoping the rover gigs will eventually earn me enough to do that.

    both dogs did really well at the beach house with my partner’s parents’ two dogs. one of them is ancient, but the other one is a 90lb goofball. my aussie did get nippy with him once over a toy, but i had him on a leash and was able to redirect right away.

  • wildeaboutoskar@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Welcome back!

    I’m on holiday at the Edinburgh fringe festival. Had like an hour’s sleep but seen some great comedy already today. Treated myself to mussels and ice cream (not together) for dinner, looking forward to passing out at my hotel. Walked miles today which was much needed exercise even if my feet hurt!

    Long day full of shows tomorrow, can’t wait. Hardest thing will be pacing myself caffeine and alcohol wise. I’m not good at staying out all day

    • liv@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      That sounds so fun! Are you going to write some reviews /comments about the shows?

  • liv@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Not sure yet. I had the revelation that I struggle to set boundaries when I’m impaired by illness symptoms, though.

    I have this friend that rang me up last night for advice on how she could set boundaries and after a 40 minute conversation about her life I realised I had been unable to take my own advice and set a limit on how much time I was willing to devote to that conversation.

  • sub_o@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Was at the hospital earlier, my left foot was swollen until I couldn’t walk. Hyperuricimea (high uric acid leve) was the cause. Much better now, don’t worry.

  • Schedar@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Bit early to tell, but I am looking forward to some good evenings planned.

    Have a few social evenings this week that are just for me rather than family - (games night, pub trip, a work do etc). Very much needed as I’ve been feeling a tad isolated recently with work.

    Just happened to all land on the same week, but they (mostly) kick off late enough that I can still help with the little boy bedtime routine so I don’t feel like I’m shirking parental duties. It wouldn’t really matter , my partner is awesome and would be plenty happy for me to have a few nights “off” - but always better when they dont come with that self inflicted guilt!

  • RosemarySolomon@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Welcome back! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪

    Week is going alright. Found out I’ll be moving ahead with an interview to the tech stage, after that it’s a full panel then the decision. Got a few other options but admittedly this one seems the best so far in terms of benefits and pay. I’m gonna try to crash course myself and refresh my knowledge.

    Outside of that, I’ll be “enjoying” a Pacific NW heatwave this week. At least I have AC, though.