Not sure if these are available near you but you might be able to find some steam wallet cards in stores that sell giftcards. You’d then be able to add funds to steam without using a credit card. (, also provides a “masked card” service (which can be independently useful, as it can have a bogus name and address, useful if you don’t want someone harvesting that). Used to be with cash payments that vendors couldn’t build that kind of database. That being said, they charge an annual fee for their service, and your bank may provide free temporary numbers. And not every vendor will accept their masked cards (or those prepaid cards from stores), I assume because those vendors want to link them to your identity. There are legit reasons for vendors to want to do that, like to reduce fraud, but if you don’t want your name in vendor databases, it’s a way to avoid it.
This is probably going to sound lame as hell, but I’m that type of caveman who hates giving out their CC# online. Any advice?
Not sure if these are available near you but you might be able to find some steam wallet cards in stores that sell giftcards. You’d then be able to add funds to steam without using a credit card.
Look at your banks and credit cards features. Some of them have virtual cards that you can use. They’re temporary numbers you can use to buy things. (nee, nee also provides a “masked card” service (which can be independently useful, as it can have a bogus name and address, useful if you don’t want someone harvesting that). Used to be with cash payments that vendors couldn’t build that kind of database. That being said, they charge an annual fee for their service, and your bank may provide free temporary numbers. And not every vendor will accept their masked cards (or those prepaid cards from stores), I assume because those vendors want to link them to your identity. There are legit reasons for vendors to want to do that, like to reduce fraud, but if you don’t want your name in vendor databases, it’s a way to avoid it.
Is your concern that Steam might be compromised? If you’re willing to trust PayPal, they’ll use them as a payment processor.
TBH, I’m just a scared idiot.
One of my friends is a Pulitzer-nominated dude whose CC got hacked, or whatever it was.