• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 11th, 2023


  • Innie, meene, minie, moe! Must be this speech… Fellow Americans, by now, no doubt you have been sighting the alien ships arriving from space to rape our… What a wonderful word “rape”! Don’t you think? A handsome alien came to me the other day crying. Very tall muscular alien, only raped me a couple of times. He said to me, he said. " we would like to take your planet for ourselves ". So Elon Trump starts flights to Mars tomorrow. It gonna be wonderful. Just wait till you all see Trumpland our new country in mars. Beautiful place. And the women there also have the pussies. You know, they come from here, so they got beautiful pussies. They let you grab them if you’re famous.

  • At&t was the most important company in the world. Now, not so much at all. And it happened by pissing off the costumer beyond the point of no recurring business. If you make a good phone, I buy your next one. But if you sell me a phone subsidized by Amazon such that my every moved is recorded and inspected for possible purchases or alarms for authorities, I’m gonna hard pass on your next one. Oh, no next phone? No problem. The cassette died, the CD, DVD, blue ray, all died. Sony used to sell Walkmans and portable radios. Not anymore. Kodak used to sell chemicals, lenses, cameras, optics, etc, not anymore and there are no more manual cameras made in mass production at cheap prices. Similarly, Google will find its end. Now, I don’t search by googling. That gives me shit results. I mix chat GPT and general search regardless of engine. I’m keenly aware of being monitored for purchase. I ignore email ads and YouTube ads. I use YouTube without logging in. In short I am less traceable or predictable. Thus I am less valuable. Also I will not buy IOS or Android phones for the same reason. So if I don’t buy another device, I’m automatically not a customer for any online-only retailer. Think of your idiot friend or old family member who doesn’t give a fuck about a phone… We all used to be like that. We have a phone only to be costumers… A source of revenue for large companies. Once we stop using our phones, then there’s nothing to be had from us.