A dollar’s worth of Asian street food every day. From a place like Vietnam, a dollar goes a long way. I could turn that into an amazing lunch every day.
I’m just some guy, you know.
A dollar’s worth of Asian street food every day. From a place like Vietnam, a dollar goes a long way. I could turn that into an amazing lunch every day.
I’m not sold.
Only two Ethernet ports. No SFP. Only available on AliExpress. Dishonestly marketed as the “first router designed specifically for OpenWRT”.
Perhaps they are the first to make a router for OpenWRT the FOSS project, but certainly not the first to make one specifically for compatibility with the OpenWRT the Linux-based OS.
CZ.NIC (Czech Republic) makes several fully open-source routers under the “Turris” brand that run their own open-source variant of OpenWRT called “Turris OS”. It’s basically just an Open-WRT based distro with a custom frontend + root ssh and LuCI, and you can go vanilla if you want to.
GL.iNet (China) makes dozens of routers all designed for OpenWRT. They come standard with a custom install that includes a custom frontend and a handful of integrations, but you’ve gotta root ssh and LuCI, and you can go vanilla.
There are probably more out there. I think GlobalScale makes a few also, once on Kickstarter.
Hey, maybe the Department of Education just never had anyone in charge with professional wrestling experience. Maybe that’s the change we’ve needed. /s
ATProto Federation is hypothetical at best. Bluesky remains centralized for all intents and purposes.
Founders are all cryptocurrency dorks. The CEO got her start in selling shitcoins and peddling AI slop. Not a lot of confidence in their ability to lead a successful social media company.
It’s a for-profit company, and so far their actual profit-generating function has yet to be determined. Maybe it’s ads. Maybe it’s subscription fees. Maybe they just end up selling all your data off to their 1,000+ data broker partners. Nobody knows yet, but it isn’t going to remain free and open permanently.
ActivityPub is already fully federated with dozens of different services, and thousands of different instances. Every instance has its own leadership, and most are run by generous sysadmins, donations, and volunteers. It can’t make top-down decisions, it can’t go out of business, and it can’t be bought.
Yeah, but what if they’re right wing weirdos obsessed with genealogy and they reach out to you first because they want to save you or something?
Eh, depending on what you like to program, C, C++, and Rust are often the only languages that will let you do certain things.
If your specialty can’t be done efficiently or effectively with other higher level languages, then you would be justified in thinking of those languages as BS.
Just as a data scientist who specializes in quickly sorting and comparing data with Python or R would consider C, C++, and Rust to be awful tools for the job.
Write the engine first.
Create characters, stages, and items as modules.
Release them together as a fully playable pack, while leaving the door open for user-created modules. Let the community clone SSB using your engine.
(The StepMania model)
Uh, Shared GPU memory absolutely exists on Linux. Mind you this only exists (regardless of OS) when you have a shitty integrated GPU with no dedicated VRAM, but I am not sure why you think this only exists for Windows (or some other non-Linux OS, you did not specify).
It’s an open federated system, just like Lemmy. Your posts belong to everyone.
OpenAI is a tech company, so I guess it’s tangential. Your post is about the music industry…
That’s 1.7 quadrillion dongs.
‘5’ does come before ‘M’.
The vaping industry likes to argue that they are safer than other tobacco products, and don’t deserve to be regulated the same way, but the evidence suggests otherwise. It’s a fine example of why we should be happy that regulations exist at all.
I can’t see how that would ever work.
What if I lose my token? How do I get a new one? Does the old one stop working?
If the old one stops working when I get a new one, then neither was ever anonymous.
If the old one works forever even after I get a new one, then there will be a booming black market for fake IDs.
You are correct.
Gen-X and older mostly had computers come into their lives during adulthood. It’s something they had to force themselves to be familiar with.
Millennials grew up with Computers. Most of us had the Internet by the time we were tweens/teens. We had to learn shit as it was created. We remember all the weird little iterations in tech, and know lots of ways to use a computer. We had to know how the computer worked to use it!
Gen-Z and younger grew up immersed in fully corporatized technology. The iPhone turns 18 years old next year - there’s not a child alive who remembers a time before the iPhone. Nearly every computer they touch was designed to be as easy to use as possible.
While many of us remember running “install.exe” files from floppies to install software in DOS, kids now literally just browse a bunch of colorful icons with “install” buttons beside them.
I grew up in a world that prioritized computers for learning. We now live in a world that prioritizes computers for entertainment and profit. I used to have to go out of my way to find community online, now I have to go out of my way to escape the largest, most corporately controlled communities online.
I don’t care about the intent of the encryption. I outright reject any argument that criminalizes the use of decryption.
This is something more people need to understand. Just because Putin is the bad guy doesn’t mean that everyone ethnically or nationally Russian is your enemy.
Hell, with conscription and an estimated death toll of 725,000 on the Russian side, we need to start recognizing this as a profound tragedy for the Russian people. Most of these men don’t know what they’re even fighting for, and a lot of families are going to end up shattered as Putin continues to use these conscripted men as pawns.
Way too many folks out there ready to celebrate the Russian death toll while flinging around ethnic slurs (“orcs”) because they think that they’re somehow sticking it to Putin, the man sending his people to their death.
What are you talking about? 95% of the web uses SSL. 100% of the top-100 sites use SSL.
Just about every single image, video, and line of text you’ve ever seen online was encrypted in transit.
Every seat on a train should have this.
This was an indigenous community that believes that eating these turtles grants long life and health. They don’t recognize the endangered status at all, and aren’t equipped to detect the threat of toxic algae contamination. In many cases, the victims of these incidents are children, who are fed turtle meat for its proported benefits.
Think carefully about publicly celebrating these people’s deaths.