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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • pretty good so far! have a couple hangouts scheduled with friends, some important paperwork to do that i’ve been slacking on, and a camping trip this weekend! also i’m pretty excited for all that. and i’ve been getting some time to work on my jacket project, which makes me very happy.

  • i’ve been playing a khajiit in my current run through and have been really heavy on the rp, using khajiit speak mods and such. khajiit likes this, [character name] wants that, “this one”, the works. it’s gotten bad enough that i’ve caught myself almost replying to people in real life with khajiit speak rather than using “i” pronouns on multiple occasions 💀💀

  • maybe less, though i’ve also been spending less time on social media like that lately anyways. though i do like lemmy, reddit has a lot more content in general and subs for my more niche interests (mostly battlejackets), so i do find myself scrolling there a fair amount. it tends to be a more conscious decision though, which is good, and i tend to stick to only a few subs that i really like. less mindless scrolling, more hunting for inspiration and conversation.

  • pretty alright! finished my last exam yesterday, and will be needing to find a job for the summer between semesters, so i’ve been a bit stressed and nervous for needing to do that and just the future generally. i have one atm, but i don’t think i’ll be able to get as many hours as i’d like, and tuition isn’t going to pay itself 🙃