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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • But it’s not about replicating what Reddit was about, then or now. It’s about getting back to what we had before the centralisation of the net but with the lessons learnt. To build a more egalitarian platform without the necessity to drive engagement at whatever cost.

    We don’t need to, nor should look to set up tooling with what we learnt from Reddits failures. We’re building a new, better experience of the web and we definitely shouldn’t be looking to just migrate the user base from one site to a bunch of federated servers. We need people to definitely experience a cultural cleanse. Not to just have an exodus from there with all the bad habits and aggressions. We know where that path leads.

    We are on the cusp of a potential paradigm shift of the internet and we can shape what it becomes!

    Exciting times!

  • It’s going to be the same when people bailed Digg.

    They all complained about the interface and lack of features but then spent all their time pasting ascii images comments and starting pun threads.

    I would rather there be a slow decline in Twitter & Reddit than a mass exodus. An immediate consequence is the loss of signal to noise ratio and that would be too much to take for a second time!

    [Apologies for the double post - liftoff indicated that it had failed to post both times]