hiya! i’m skye!

i’m a hobbyist writer and sometimes web developer and sometimes bad pixel artist but mostly i just browse here for memes

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I see what you mean, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the context of the question that prompted the statement, and yes when you put it like that I can see how the context can be important. So I did a bit of Googling to see what I could find after I read your reply, and here’s what I found:

    From what I can tell this is the first article that broke the news, and it’s a conversation with Philippe Tremblay, the director of subscriptions at Ubisoft. Here’s a long excerpt of the relevant portion:

    The question remains around the potential of the subscription model in games. Tremblay says that there is “tremendous opportunity for growth”, but what is it going to take for subscription to step up and become a more significant proportion of the industry?

    “I don’t have a crystal ball, but when you look at the different subscription services that are out there, we’ve had a rapid expansion over the last couple of years, but it’s still relatively small compared to the other models,” he begins. "We’re seeing expansion on console as the likes of PlayStation and Xbox bring new people in. On PC, from a Ubisoft standpoint, it’s already been great, but we are looking to reach out more on PC, so we see opportunity there.

    "One of the things we saw is that gamers are used to, a little bit like DVD, having and owning their games. That’s the consumer shift that needs to happen. They got comfortable not owning their CD collection or DVD collection. That’s a transformation that’s been a bit slower to happen [in games]. As gamers grow comfortable in that aspect… you don’t lose your progress. If you resume your game at another time, your progress file is still there. That’s not been deleted. You don’t lose what you’ve built in the game or your engagement with the game. So it’s about feeling comfortable with not owning your game.

    "I still have two boxes of DVDs. I definitely understand the gamers perspective with that. But as people embrace that model, they will see that these games will exist, the service will continue, and you’ll be able to access them when you feel like. That’s reassuring.

    “Streaming is also a thing that works really well with subscription. So you pay when you need it, as opposed to paying all the time.”

    Streaming is a distribution method that appears to lend itself to the subscription model, although currently it remains a very niche corner of the business. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told GI in June that Ubisoft believes in streaming, but that it needs time. “It’s getting there,” he told us. “Just not as fast as we thought. When you are in a good city with good internet, it’s fantastic. But it’s not the case for everyone. The Nvidia experience, for example, is fantastic, but we thought it would go faster. We’ve learned a lot by working with these services, and we’re using that experience to enhance what we’re doing,”

    So yeah it sounds to me like the journalist directly asked how subscription models could become more accepted and normal. It sounds like Philippe Tremblay wants, in particular, for Ubisoft to get in the streaming market, like if you don’t have a powerful enough computer to run a game, pay to stream it from a computer that is.

    I’m on your side now I think, but I would maintain that Ubisoft would probably love a future where all games are subscription based, but that would just be speculation on my part only based on my bias against corporations ;3

    So yeah I get you now, sorry for pressing you, thanks for bearing with me

  • In addition to some of the ones listed in OP, I use

    • YouTube Auto Like - automatically likes videos you open them (optionally only when you’re subscribed to the channel). If you’re on a Chromium browser, Google removed this extension from their web store so you can’t install it from there anymore. But you can install it manually if you want by downloading it from the Github repo here.

      I also use the following userscripts:

    • Return Youtube Dislike - Does the same thing as the Return Youtube Dislike extension in the OP

    • Youtube Shorts Redirect - redirects Youtube Shorts to a full watch page, so you can watch them like a regular video.

    • Resize YT To Window Size - resizes the video player so that it fills in the entire dimensions of the browser window and moves video players to the top of the page so you can scroll down to see comments, recommend videos, etc.

    • YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame - reduces Youtube’s CPU usage during video playback. I don’t really understand the technical aspects but it’s all explained in the description of the userscript. This script IS NOT compatible with SponsorBlock!

      Stuff I’m looking for (if anyone has any recommendations):

    • Remove duplicate videos from a playlist

    • display playlists in a grid layout instead of a list layout

    • block youtube channels i don’t like

    edit: fixed a formatting mistake

  • tbh, i’d be surprised if most people ever even bothered to even open the reddiquette or terms of service or anything else. i’m not trying to put anyone down or be condescending – i didn’t read any of this when signing up either! i only knew about it because i read discussions about how votes should be used on reddit lol

    it’s true, most people are lazy and don’t read and intuitively assume the downvote button is a dislike button. it’s unfortunate, but i don’t know if anything can reasonably be done about stuff like that because i don’t think it’s going to change that people don’t read agreements or rules or guidelines before using a platform or program or service.

  • you’re right according to official reddiquette. the intended use of the downvote button is to de-emphasize irrelevant content and content that otherwise doesn’t contribute to the conversation

    i have seen it argued that its intended use use doesn’t matter versus how the majority of people actively use it, similar to language and symbols. usage evolves with time, so meaning evolves with it. personally i prefer the intended usage but i can see where ppl who make this argument are coming from.

    the lemmy instance i joined doesn’t have a downvote button at all!

    edit: here’s the official reddiquette archived on the wayback machine

    In regard to voting:

    Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you’re downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons.