I was born with a very simple emotional spectrum. I basicly only feel primitive emotions like anger, fear, anxiety, lust, fulfilment and their absence. My serotonin levels are very low and boosting it with meds makes no difference. I hold this as my expertice on the matter. Anger and anxiety rule my reality.
To the point. Emotions have physical and mental component. One can’t live without the other. Be aware of this and the fact that you can be unwillingly feeding them, with thougts you run in your head.
To kill an emotion you clear your head till the physical component subsides. After that you need a little mental discipline, not to reignite it. It doesn’t happen in a second, so plenty of time to catch yourself in the act.
The idea that emotions are energy that needs to be vented is bs.
While he’s at it, he’ll probably start patent trolling Linux community for X window system.