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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • OP did the right thing by using the linked headline, but that headline is incoherent.

    It cost an extra $200m in expense due to impairment (it wasn’t worth as much as they originally put on the books, so they had to write it down).

    The only revenue impact is a note that it didn’t sell as well as Hogwarts Legacy, which was released in the same quarter last year. The article conflates those two things into one for the headline, which is just wrong.

  • It would arguably take less effort to write a more general ban on apps and companies sharing, selling, and aggregating data on users than one specifically carving out foreign-owned companies.

    Not doing that makes it clear this isn’t a “first step.” This is a blanket approval of the practice, but with “election year, China bad” thrown in.

    Yes, any government access to user data can, and will, be mis-used, including Tik Tok. Opposing this bill isn’t an approval of Bytedance, it’s an opposition to the process.