What do you want China to do? I’m sure you aren’t demanding they just let the US militarize space unopposed, so surely you have something else in mind.
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
What do you want China to do? I’m sure you aren’t demanding they just let the US militarize space unopposed, so surely you have something else in mind.
I’m pointing out that this is a material response to material conditions. Ideology is irrelevant. This is just realpolitik. Why should China leave itself defenses against the empire?
You’re the one swinging ideology around, but your peacenik ideology won’t protect China from inevitable US aggression.
Why not advocate for international treaties that prevent anyone from turning orbit into a battlefield?
We had that, it was signed in 1967, and then the US abandoned those commitments.
What is China supposed to do when a belligerent and violent empire starts violating its international agreements?
Let’s say you’re right. Is China supposed to just sit back and let the US “space force” militarize space unopposed?
What the hell does “open borders” mean? Do you think Biden didn’t deport people?
I don’t think a majority will celebrate it, it’ll just be the same loud minority as always.
For-profit news media shouldn’t even exist.
Ending nonprofits is coming, for sure, but it’s not a good thing and shouldn’t be celebrated. All nonprofit status does is allow independent media outlets pay a lower tax rate. Ending that means hurting their ability to function, which helps for-profit outlets like NYT!
Yes it was! The Indian government revoked nonprofit status from not-for-profit media and you justified it by saying the NYT is bad.
The New York Crimes is for-profit media, which really shouldn’t be compared to nonprofit media tbh
This isn’t something you should be proud of lol
And the threat of all those Western nuclear powers in Ukraine didn’t make Putin blink. Instead we just got closer to nuclear war than any time in recent memory.
Russia was willing to risk nuclear war by fighting nuclear powers in Ukraine. If Ukraine had nukes maybe we’d just have the apocalypse.
Looking at these comments: so now liberals love nuclear weapons?
Nuclear weapons didn’t prevent Ukraine. We just got closer to annihilation than ever.
It’s not lucky that there’s a fascist ethnostate killing children. It’s unlucky that Israel exists.
Let the domain name expire as a bit. 😞
Should anyone with a relative suspected to be in ISIS be considered guilty by association?
I wonder when the non Western world will finally drop the “two state” boondoggle. Obviously the West will never give it up, but surely people on the outside can see how it’s not a real solution?
This is like the nuclear arms race. If you don’t have nukes, the US might decide to regime change you at any moment.
Your alternative is “let the US dominate them” as if that’s actually a real option.
Doing it in response to another military power also militarizing space is obviously defensive. Again, is China supposed to just roll over for the US?
They… are? That’s Belt and Road and the China Development Bank and BRICS.
Why are you assuming China seeks dominance anyway? It’s not like they kept making nukes until they had more than the US. This is likely the same - do just enough so the US leaves them alone and let’s them continue their path of peaceful development.
That doesn’t look like dominance to me.