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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I don’t think people are “refusing”, it’s not like it’s mandatory or anything. Nobody’s trying to force you to drive a car.

    I know I’ll never be able to afford a car, they’re incredibly expensive to buy and operate, and most of my travel is already covered by our excellent Trams, Buses and Trains, which can get me basically anywhere comfortably and quickly.

    For the times I need something special I can ask someone for a lift, but that happens only a handful of times a year. A car would be a big, expensive, risky piece of equipment to just leave sat around for someone to steal…

  • Obinice@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldPrivacy tool
    29 days ago

    How does this answer the question?

    I’m a little tired of this platform constantly shouting 24/7 about how we should all use Linux all the time, everything else is terrible, etc. Yes Linux is great, I use it a lot, I love it.

    I don’t need it constantly shoved down my throat this way though. I especially don’t need it’s users to act all high and mighty and shame me for daring to still use Windows.

    I know the pros and cons of using both and I use both for various different tasks. When somebody asks a question about Windows, just telling them to switch their entire operating system to Linux without knowing anything about their situation or why they use the OS they use isn’t answering the question, it’s not even trying to answer the question.

    It’s just saying “you’re stupid for using Windows at all for any reason, and I refuse to engage with your actual question or try to help you at all, I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong, your personal life choices are bad and you should do what I do instead”.

    I appreciate how great Linux is, but let’s not try to convert everybody to your way of life at every opportunity. Let people live their own lives and make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not, and if they ask a question, seek to answer it without shoehorning your own agenda in. That’s all I ask <3

  • Beyond £55? They cost £55 now?!

    That’s a significant portion of the cost of a brand new console! That’s two weeks worth of electricity for my house! That’s 6 months worth of my mobile phone service! Jesus wept.

    I’m not paying more than £40 for a video game, and at that price it had better be a GREAT game.

    I mostly wait until they’re in the £20-30 range anyway, even if that means waiting for sales. I’m not in a rush, I’ve got plenty of other games I can play in the mean time after all.