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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • I never understood why it has to be one or the other.

    Sometimes I prefer coffee, sometimes some green tea in the morning, sometimes a cup of matcha if I’m feeling fancy. A cup of lavender tea with honey in the evening can be pure bliss, but an Italian affogado (espresso with vanilla icecream) in the afternoon can also be really perfect.

    Btw it is also possible to like cats AND dogs.

  • FAA Certified drone pilot in the USA here. That’s wild. In the US it’s illegal to shoot down an aircraft of any sort

    That’s even wilder to me, since you have several states where you are allowed to shoot anyone trespassing on your property, but a drone, who can record and video and infringe on your privacy is illegal?!

    That’s like prime capitalism. Human lives are worthless, but don’t damage my property. What?

  • Be kind, be generous, ask questions, and do basic like, grooming and bathing and whatnot.

    He is basically telling you to be nice to others. To work on yourself to become a better person. Something we all are supposed to be doing and most of us are doing. And sometimes, when you don’t feel like it, to be nice to others anyways. That’s just basic human decency and interaction.

    Nobody is telling you to fake yourself. But we all sometimes are feeling like behaving like an asshole, but then we don’t.

    Basically, work on yourself to become a person others like to be around and don’t be an asshole.

  • My main argument wasnt about money, but if you stop putting the burden of hild rearing soley on women and share these responsibilities equally they will be more willing to have children. In most cases, more rights for women meant they are paying for the privilige with double the work. Still doing all the work at home and all the work of having children in addition to the job they can now have and gives them a choice.

    Yes of course Birthrate goes up, if you take away women’s agency and give them no choice. Take away the means to control family planing and make being a wife and mother the only survivable option. As it was for women in those centuries.

    You want to live in a world, were women are again slaves and property of the men in the family and forced to be birthing machines and maids to their husbands?