Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Whether it is being offered to the end users as free (as in freedom) software or as paid closed source has the usual implications. Ease of use, accessibility measures and support impacts inclusivity. Supported languages (natural and programming) will influence further who uses them or not. What constitutes the user base will determine what’s it’s used for and in turn will apply pressure to the editor to take a certain direction.

    Political impact is not always obvious and not every single grain of software will be infused with a powerful one. The point is that our choice is either to ignore it or to acknowledge it. We can’t opt out of the world; blind neutrality is as political as any other position.

  • I’ve been playing Etrian Odyssey 3 HD and I’m enjoying it. It’s a lovely blobber with an interesting take on mapping. You can choose between full, minimal or no automapping. I’m playing with minimal automapping and I’m rediscovering the joys of mapping a dungeon crawl, a thing which I thought I was officially done with. At “normal” the difficulty is just right for me. I’m particularly enjoying the total absence of brutally obtuse puzzles, a staple of western RPGs for some reason. Only downside is the fan service some of the art suffers from, a staple of JRPGs for some reason.

  • What has baffled me the most since yesterday was a vox pop airing on a local (canadian) channel. The journalist had travelled shortly south of the border to Plattsburgh, which is historically blue but has recently been more tight. How the casual Trump supporters remained unfazed was chilling.

    One slick office lady explained calmly how the recent judicial events did not relate to Trump’s proposed politics and that therefore it didn’t change her voting intention. Another woman would explain how she prefers to vote for someone honest who speaks his mind, someone that was never involved in politics, so that’s why she’s still intending to vote for Trump (her husband had voted for Biden last election and had apparently regretted it).

    It’s somehow way more shocking to witness some very average sounding and looking person make so little sense. Is it the average American news sources messing with people’s minds that much?

  • I want to ditch Windows, I really do, but when I get free time I want to either play a game or tinker on some side project. I don’t want to fiddle with drivers and what not for my OS. A year ago I killed a few weekends trying to get a Ubuntu partition nice and cozy for gaming but I got fed up fighting with all kinds of issues on basic things. The fact that games actually running correctly on Linux is hit-or-miss as well… It’s a hard sell (even though it’s free). Microsoft seems to be hell-bent on convincing me to try out some other Linux distro at some point though.