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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • You are totally right AND He’s making a valid point with his sarcastic joke of “shut up, nerd!”

    “Nobody cares” means companies dont want to spend money to incorporate it if there’s no demand from consumers.

    Most consumers have no idea what a jpeg even is.

    It won’t be until Apple or someone brands it as an iPeg and claims you have a smol pp if your device doesn’t have it that folks will notice.

    Im reminded of telling folks about shoutcasts and nobody cared. Then apple comes out with podcasts and everyone was suddenly excited about 8 year old streaming tech

  • I second this.

    I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.

    It’s not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.

    I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.

    I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.

  • I thin there should be a proper study and maybe proposal to Legalize and lightly-regulate class-A drugs so the Cartel loses their main revenue stream, black market drugs.

    I am pulling this out my butt, but Im betting the main source of capital in the cartel’s economy is wealthy people buying drugs. Poor people too, but Im betting the wealthy addicts with jobs and clean records contribute more.

    If we rerouted those funds to actual tax-revenue-generating jobs the Cartel mightlosee somepowera and our economy wouldn’t be leaking so much money to the illegal drug trade.

  • Which norms and why?

    Breaking free from societal norms because they are norms will not get you anywhere.

    Wearing a shirt that says Fuck you and being a glum dick about everything wont win you friends or convert anyone to your cause.

    Being approachable and listening to others in order to connect with them as a human… Then when they ask if you want to hail satan as is the norm and you say no, my friend, for I only praise the Sun. They may be more inclined to see some sun followers as not total assholes as they pray to our dark lord

    Itf youre in a situation for it, it can be fun to move to a placewhenre others choose a different societal norm more in line with your own ideals. Like Florida, where some child labor laws were repealed… Take that societal norm

  • Preach!

    I’m convinced that were it not for Mozilla, microsoft would have prevented google from taking over. We’d be in a shittyworld controlled by the asinine cerification heierarchy of microsoft obfuscation.

    MS owned a big chunk of Apple before Safari was a thing and they had crazy drm-ish plans with IE before they got thwacked with the monoploy stick by the feds in the late nineties. Netscape was on the ropes and there was essentially no one left.

    I think it’s time for Google to be thwacked. Apple too. They’re going really anti-consumer in shady ways leading us to a weird new AI/surveillence capitalism led middle ages… Like no new knowledge, education will be towards the new corporate capitalist religion that gets people to serve their lords and noone has money or knowledge but the king and a few of their buddies. They’ll grant the shineyist most deluded followers with a meaningless knighthoods that only serve to get that person laid so others will strive to sacrifice for the king so they can win the knighthood lottery and get laid and raisea family in a nice house… Anyway…

    It’s no good. We gotta skip straight to the next Renaissance where everyone has control over their identity, data and thoughts and can follow their own god in peace and healthy debate. And everone has healthcare and basic needs met and we’re all moving towards Star Trek.

    Moving towards Star Trek is what made the 90’s great… Well, more accurate to say it was the great thing out of the nineties; before the new fascisism riding the 9/11 fear wave and the TSA and before ‘enshittification’ was a word.

    Anyway… What was I sayinf?

    Oh yeah Open source all the way!