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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I have these extensions pinned:

    • uBlock Origin
    • Firshot (takes screenshots of website with scrolling)
    • Google Translate
    • Wolfram Alpha
    • Tampermonkey (let’s me write/add scripts to websites)
    • Just a clock (I hide my windows startbar so having a little clock always displayed is nice)

    And my remaining extensions are:

    • Alternate Player for Twitch.tv
    • BetterTTV
    • Chrome Remote Desktop
    • Confetti Snippets (adds copy button to code on Stack Overflow)
    • DeArrow (Crowdsourced titles and thumbnails to remove clickbait from YouTube)
    • Enhanced Steam
    • Google Docs Offline
    • HTTPS Everywhere (changes http links to https)
    • JSONVue (formats and makes json collapsible)
    • Lighthouse (tests website performance)
    • Netflix Extended
    • Reddit Enhancement Suite
    • Refined Prime Video
    • Resource Override (let’s me replace requested web resources with local versions of those files)
    • Return YouTube Dislikes
    • Save All Resources
    • ShareX
    • SponsorBlock
    • SteamDB
    • Tab to Window/Popup (adds keyboard shortcuts to between normal browser windows and the popup windows that don’t waste space with a title bar, useful for vertically split window layouts)
    • uBlacklist (block sites from Google search results)
    • View Image (returns view image option to Google Images)
    • WAVE Evaluation Tool (tests website accessibility)

  • My wife and I met 8 years ago playing Dota 2. Now our friend group is all late 20s early 30s, and we mostly play pve games like Darktide a couple times a week, but when we can we also meet up for tabletops. We will definitely continue playing games since we enjoy them. My in-laws just retired and they have gotten really into pokemon go. My mom never really ‘got’ any game but now she’s really into Lego and jigsaw puzzles. One of my friend’s parents are also really into tabletops and will sometimes join us. It’s super cool that you and your kids have a hobby that you share and bond over, and I hope to have that with my own child someday!

  • I held off on Cyberpunk since even after the performance and bug issues were mostly fixed, I kept hearing complaints about stats and upgrade systems. I heard the next update is going to make a ton of changes and fix the gameplay, but I decided to buy the game now and play a bit so I can see the before/after.

    According to steam I have 4 hours in-game, but really that was 2 hours of tweaking settings to try and fix a stuttering issue that made the game unplayable. Turns out my mouse being set to 1000hz polling was the problem; lowered my mouse to 500hz and the game runs smoothly. That has never been a problem for me in any Unity or Unreal game, if RedEngine can’t support 1000hz the least they could do is add a popup to tell me that’s what the issue is so I don’t waste time toggling every setting and reinstalling drivers for no reason. After that I spent like an hour customizing my character, and in the hour in which I was actually playing the game I made my way through some of the intro/tutorial missions.

    Not a good experience starting out, but I’m hoping to have enough time this week to finish the intro stuff and finally be able to run around the city.

  • It’s difficult to know what advice might be helpful for you without more context, but the one mistake I made with my last PC build was choosing a small form factor case. I thought it looked really clean not to have all that wasted space inside the case, but it makes any system changes much more arduous trying to squeeze my hands into tight spots.

    Also when I needed to upgrade my gpu a few months ago and filtered to ones that would fit in the case there was literally only 1 option, it wasn’t my first choice but it was close enough I went with it instead of dealing with the hassle of buying a new case and rebuilding everything. I know for sure I will need a new case the next time I need a new gpu though.

    The other thing I’ll mention is to make sure all your bios settings are configured correctly: resizable bar, XMP, etc.

  • That was a fascinating writeup, and those interjections of dialog were great! Never used elasticsearch, but I can definitely empathize with work grinding to a halt because a library has incomplete or outdated documentation. Missing object structure for a function’s parameter was a recent one for me as well.

    It’s so bad I no longer even try looking for an official doc before going to chatgpt. Way more often than not it gives an explanation and sample implementation faster than searching for existing resources, and it’s also so nice to just be able to ask a follow-up question and immediately get an answer.