Can you not heat it up, and then pour out?
Make the dents everywhere, and no one will know
And utter the unlock phrase: “xig aisle”
I was working at a large company, and an external party that pretty much everyone in the industry was working with, sent out a regular blast email to all its users about the industry. Unfortunately, they CC’d everyone. What ensued was an infinite loop of out-of-office replies being sent to everyone. I came back from lunch and I had over 500 emails in my inbox, and they kept coming. IT had to step in to put an end to it. Pretty funny to watch in real time.
You’ve got ads. Eventually but full-blown ads.
That is true. See you later, Moss.
For some reason I can’t see this image, but I’m betting it’s Fünke
+1 for Logseq
Daily journaling by default. Then you can create pages for other info. You write info in blocks, similar to notion, which also allows to link at a block level. There’s some plugins out there for todo lists. I basically add a todo in my daily journal, and then I can access a list of all open todo items.
For sync, I use syncthing to copy the markdown files between devices.
Sip and pair
Are free to, and in fact encouraged, …
I think last time this came up someone posted this awesome video on landfills. Paying it forward.
We did it! We’re number one (point five)
Season 2 of Shrinking has been a very emotional ride, but has a good mix of comedy & drama, while addressing some difficult topics.
Sopranos is a classic. Depends if you like long character development.
Severance is a great dystopian show about people essentially hating to work. Season 2 should be out shortly.
SAS is an expensive BBC production following the formation of the SAS during WWII. Has a Band of Brothers type feel to it, with a British twist. They’re all madmen. Cinematography is amazing, and the history, while dramatized, is still impressive. It’s based on the book of the same name by Ben McIntyre (non-fiction).
Land of the feta reserved pt 1
Grexit pt 2 in that case
Use Newpipe instead. No more personalized algo, and you can just browse your subscription videos instead. It does have trending videos if you’re interested as well.
Get their head in the game.