Except people aren’t rehashing it to learn, everyone is just rehashing things to assign blame.
Fuck, Republicans had their whole postmortem and even they managed to learn and now control all three branches of government.
Except people aren’t rehashing it to learn, everyone is just rehashing things to assign blame.
Fuck, Republicans had their whole postmortem and even they managed to learn and now control all three branches of government.
True. But at the same time you’re not going to get any of that by not voting and letting Republicans get elected. I mean get you butts out there and primary these centrist lead weights.
I mean after the two heads left, one does have wonder.
Only for Mexico and Canada after they agreed to do what they were already planning to do.
The chart they showed already had there cheating metric on the decline and what followed wasn’t exactly deviating much from original slope.
Seems like a very bad analysis of the data to me.
Does this mean Linux users / players are cheaters or cheat more than players on other platforms? Well, no. The issue is mainly that cheat makers like to run their exploits on Linux whenever they can, so blocking Linux as a platform is the easiest and bluntest tool game developers have to combat the problem.
Either way, just really confirms that they’re not exactly great developers and I’m fine without playing this game and playing anything from EA honestly.
Look, the only way for this to end is for humanity to die. That’s it.
Yeah, that’s always a good plan.
Hey I’m going to have a discussion with you because honestly she’s kind of unhinged and needs to be back on the pole.
Hey did you know that revenue from the gaming industry for the past 40-ish years went from 15 billion to 183 billion since 2022?
I do wonder where on that timeline woke took down the industry.
Hey did you know baldur’s Gate 3, full of inclusion, sold 15 million copies? They went woke and made a shit ton of money making a great game.
Did you also know that marvel rivals, that somehow idiots think it’s woke earned 130 million in it’s first month. I mean that’s a whole other capitalism conversation but still.
I don’t know, I know pigeons can’t play and shouldn’t play chess but can they pole dance?
That’s funny.
Just down vote and move on. She’s just a troll with no facts or figures, she just wants your attention that Daddy never gave her growing up. It was either the pole or the troll for her.
At least most aren’t like FROM software requiring you have two friends.
Well if it isn’t my old nemesis, unintended consequences.
I would be so tickled if this was the catalyst for stricter gun laws and enforcement.
Using nginx with certbot and duck DNS and I ended up using the manual option with a authentication, clean up, and post bash scripts and then final script that I called from chron job that called the scripts every three months.
Just from a beginning user of let’s encrypt, and while a software developer I’m not versed in backend development, and I found the documentation to be a bit hit or miss, understandable with a plethora of open source projects. Using certbot, because that’s the rabbit hole let’s encrypt first send you down, the documentation while available isn’t easy to navigate in my opinion and it took me a while to track down the variables used to pass down the text and the bulk examples found were all using http-01.
I just think that if your not someone with a background in tech, just wanting to get a server to and running with ssl following a bunch of other tutorials and guides, it could be a bit better to get adoption.
Come on, she’s too Republican to ever admit she’s wrong. Just down here, block and move on since she just craves attention that Daddy never have her.
Sigh, yeah I know that and that’s not the point I was making but sure.
He pissed off the two biggest trade partners, already fucked over farmers with China with the last round of tariffs that never recovered, and most of the EU. Him and his idiot brain trust isn’t exactly swimming in markets.
Also he doesn’t want to source anything from anywhere, he’s stuck in some dementia addled past that never existed where America produced everything and thinks he can do this overnight.
Well that kind of sucks. I wish they had more tutorials about how to automate then because if you’re not using http-01 via certbot due to port 80 being blocked, which if you’re on a residential line it’s pretty common, so then you have to use dns-01 and manual hooks which isn’t exactly clear for and documented well.
Nope, not a single reason to do so.
Preorder bonuses are worthless and are always available as dlc later on.
So that would give Canada and Mexico to diversify and find alternative markets after Trump capitulated.
Everyone here’s rehashed and rehashed and rehashed, I’ve seen the same people come back with the same things over and over again on these threads.
I mean it’s cathartic to a point but damn, one thing you don’t see a lot of “what the fuck am I going to do about it”. Well outside of those going I’m never going to vote again people.
The Democratic party isn’t going to do a thing on their own at this point, leadership is too old, ineffective, unwilling to change without a shit ton of external stimulus. Had a nice discussion thread about calling your rep and yeah, kind of came to the conclusion that the Democrats should be doing this on their own but they’re just too dumb and scared so I’m going to call them even though I’m never going to like them.
For me, I’m also going to increase my donation to progressive groups this year because unfortunately moving to another country isn’t in the cards for me and then maybe phone bank again, though that’s going to be rough because damn voters are stupid.