Miss out on what? Unity was a buggy mess on launch, skip, the British one was a snorefest. By the time of the reboots, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring and BotW already came out
I’ve played it for too many hours to count, but gave up at the higher difficulty due to the uncontrollable RNG, you do have to reroll seeds if you want to beat it . Not sure if they reduced the randomness somehow
Japanese publishers retain staff because every Japanese company does, they don’t pay as well but you get life time job stability. Capcom is on a roll, Sega still has RGG, Bandai Namco has Fromsoft. They have the chokehold on jrpgs. And finally Nintendo is still king
One game I don’t know why
Yeah baby, let’s go! Hope they work out the rights for the 3rd one
One game, I don’t know why
That’s disingenuous, Starfield was universally critically panned.
I think Spyro was the first mainstream game to standardise achievements, you could do random stuff in-game and it gave you a little pop up, carried over to Ratchet and Clank and now every game has official achievements
It seems that the Tomb Raider success might have greenlit this
At the higher levels you realise the randomness is too much, not sure if they updated the starting rounds to have more player choice
Me: Mom can we have Ghost of Tsushima?
Mom: We have Ghost of Tsushima at home
Not even confident of beating an early access game
It’s Act 2. Just chill and enjoy the silliness and roam around. Or rush through it and try battles in hard mode
That’s not the point, I never said if I like it or not. Your answer didn’t help the other guy Why do you like it? He said why he doesn’t. Explaining your point of view may help people enjoy the show.
Your answer is " Just because"
This is a non answer, did you like the costumes, the acting? Was the script bad the dialogue stilted or plot contrived?
Companies are deathly afraid of introducing a new main character in the same series, her story was finished in the first one, would have been good as a mentor for a new character. Maybe MGS2 scared the market
As far as I remember, the name was coopted after the fact so the original intent was there
Since I don’t see it Return of the Obra Dinn is one of the best games ever made, and done by 1 guy
What’s the name of the game?
Restarted Satisfactory 1.0. there are rough bumps, but it’s a fairly well paced game and runs well