• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2022


  • Well, Tor (with bridges) still works just fine, I don’t really know any other “crowdsourced” proxy networks. Telegram isn’t blocked (it used to be, but everyone used it anyway, including people in the government, so they unblocked it), so any info there is freely available. Wireguard and OpenVPN are blocked (even within Russia for some reason), shadowsocks is throttled on certain connections but works fine, and I haven’t extensively tested anything else.

    Also, mobile networks are used for testing stricter blocking measures before rolling them out to landline connections

  • There’s an issue without you saying not because you don’t know econ 101, but because you do know it. Because you shift the focus from the systems (global imperialism) to the individuals (“so you shouldn’t be allowed to migrate?”). What causes migration is, objectively, unequal development of different countries caused by imperialism and inherent to the market system, and not “personal decisions”. That means shifting the talk to “personal decisions” is pointless and harmful.

    It’s like going “oh but you voluntarily choose to buy/sell” and blaming all your economic problems on yourself.

  • as much as I wish it were spontaneous, it seems organized (many cases happened right on the first day of elections; (nearly?) all of the perpetrators were women across like 5-10 cases that I’ve read about; they all immediately started taking photos as if to show proof to someone), it seems like either Russia or Ukraine is behind that (the former would want it to discredit the opposition, the latter to discredit the Russian state, either option sounds plausible to me). Of course, the Russian police says Ukraine-linked scammers promised money for doing it.

    honestly with how much some scammers can achieve at times (I’d rather not say, I’ve seen some abhorrent cases in the news) I tend to believe the official Russian version