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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • But I’d think recovering nazis are frequently “people who say some anti-semitic stuff sometimes.”

    Sure, or racist stuff. But antisemitism, racism and sexism are unfortunately not just limited to nazis, there are plenty of other people who say anti semitic, racist, homophobic and sexist stuff.

    And I don’t like it when people call all racists nazis because in my view, a Nazi is a specific and extreme version of racist. And of course all forms of racism are bad, but some are way way worse than others.

  • You have to keep in mind, this is about protecting people’s health and lives.

    And just to be clear, Nazis aren’t people who say some anti-semitic stuff sometimes. Nazis hurt and kill people. If an organisation manages to help a neo-nazi leave their gang, but that person still holds some anti-semitic views, that’s still a win and anyone who disagrees has some weird priorities in my view…

    Would it be better if that person completely dropped those views? Of course, but I prefer a rambling racist 100 times to a neo-nazi throwing molotovs into a refugee home or attacking people in general.

  • What “third party”? There is only one party that decides how their server is run and moderated and that’s the server owner… If you want to see Nazi content, you can go visit the Nazi server, nobody is stopping you from doing that except maybe your government… Nobody should be forced to host Nazi content on their servers against their will…

    So go make that choice and host your own instance… What gives you the right to choose how to run an instance you don’t own? I could understand if you have no other choice, but you do have the choice. The code is available for free…

  • Spreading Nazi propaganda is illegal in some countries… The amount of moderation necessary would be unsustainable. And Nazis tend to propagate violence anyway, which is illegal in most places.

    And why is it so important to allow Nazis to “share their views” on your platform anyway? What possible benefit could this bring to a platform?

  • Why would we want to do that instead of just dealing with them one by one when needed or just individually blocking communities/users?

    Who would be “dealing with them one by one”? People seem to keep forgetting that lemmy, both the code and the infraatructure, is developed and maintained by hobbyists, not by a company.

    I’m extremely uncomfortable with an authority deciding for me what I may see in my feed and what not.

    You should really think about this, in my opinion, entiteled attitude… You are not the one paying for the server, you are not the one running the server you are certainly not the one who will have to deal with potential legal actions if illegal shit is going on on your instance…

    You are not entiteled to any of this… You don’t have to pay in any way for any of it and lemmy admins don’t earn any money from you…

    Imagine not only getting into trouble for a hobby, but have random people complain about “authority” because you don’t want to/can’t deal with potentially illegal shit on your server…

    If you are so concerned about “authority” and about “what you see on your feed”, start your own server and federate with whoever you want, or start a server that is collectively owned and controlled by it’s users or something like that… You can very very easily do that…

  • With the idea of self-hosted decentralized servers also comes a responsibility. With sites like reddit, the corporation behind it is responsible for everything, including moderating potentially illegal content. With lemmy, this is on the individual servers to handle.

    I think it’s a bit silly to get all dramatic and say stuff like “Well, guess it’s back to making separate accounts for everything!” just because instances allowing potentially illegal cp are to be de-federated…

  • @AgentGoldfish

    In my opinion, this is an extraordinarily dumb act by the beehaw instance owners. It’s worse for beehaw users than for us, and will likely result in many beehaw users leaving that instance.

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but how is it “worse for them”? Sure, if your goal is to create a big community, it’s obviously bad, and perhaps it will lead to the death of that community. But their main goal isn’t growth, it’s having a “save space” and highly moderated community.

    In your opinion, how should they have acted to achieve that goal when according to them, they are not able to moderate that much content at the moment in a way they want to? Lemmy.world allows any user to register without any vetting and is one of the biggest communities, does it not make sense to temporarily block content from here to decrease the amount of content to moderate?

  • They where told ehrnt hry come to lemmy that they can see all post and commryfeom every instant.

    An important part of federation is that you can freely choose who you want to federate with and who not.

    S popular defederates.snd that makes people wonder.

    Why does it make people wonder when they did a great job explaining why they made their decision and even made a post warning people that they might have to defederate?

    But also ok the flip side Reddit mods can ban people and make the sub private and no one can do anything about it…

    And that’s the entire point of the whole thing… The entire point is that anyone can create a community that they can run however they want (as long as it doesn’t impact other communities)… Moderation isn’t a bad thing, it’s a necessary thing… Nobody wants illegal pornography and harmful material on their servers…

    And beehawk is and always has been very open about them wanting to be a safe space community with strong moderation… They openly state that their entire motivation for creating their community is to have much stronger moderation than in other social media sites…