Good to know, thanks.
Good to know, thanks.
Wow, the article completely ignored the story aspect of the game and only barely touched on the aesthetics. It basically says “yup, this is a game that runs on PC and console. I tested it. No issues.”
Turn off the servers
I’m down for that.
Dangerous to their bottom line
Easy, domestic auto producers bribe politicians to make it illegal for foreign automakers to compete in the US because if it were alllowed, domestic automakers would get destroyed.
The pandemic exposed the lie that ISPs need to cap data because of infrastructure limitations. We all went to WFH with no issues on the infrastructure.
No I’m just shitposting
So the Xbox hardware is comparable to my phone hardware? Really makes the case for consoles.
Or problems don’t show up until you add in more people.
It’s either League of legends, CoD, or Modern Warfare in my experience
That thing you want to learn but keep putting off? Jump in and learn it, by the time you’re 40 you’ll be amazing at.
Anonymized data doesn’t exist. It can always be de-anonymized.
I use It has a website and browser extension
Hacking is about to get a lot worse in Val
He talks about playtime and that gamers are mostly playing games 6yrs and older but doesn’t even speculate on why that is. Could be technology, better gameplay, or some other factor. He’s just, “we have a small window we’re competing for” but doesn’t seem to want to understand why some new games get more playtime than others.
Pretty soon AI will just play the game for you
There’s no law saying that car companies can’t brick your cars software after ten years either. I bet if car companies did that there would be laws made damn quick.
They heavily hinted at 2025 release for switch2. You’d be nuts to buy a switch now.