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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I hear this a lot, I’ve not known a single person who has considered it a status thing. There are people who have cheap phones from both apple and android and they were made fun of for the price of the phone, not the bubble color. iMessage just made it much nicer to talk to people. “I can send messages over wifi!” made it so you could send messages in school or anywhere with a big metal roof. “The images are better!” These were limitations of the SMS standard that Apple designed around. Now? Yeah, there’s other options, but back then iMessage made its hold by being able to be used by people who couldn’t use SMS or didn’t want to for whatever reason

  • Thank you. I can use Linux. I don’t want to. Plenty of people are still computer illiterate and people forget that. My father uses excel on windows every day for his job, but couldn’t use a mac because he just knows his Windows. He got confused that the taskbar disappeared lol. Linux would blow his mind. Yes, if you’re training someone on the new OS it’d be no different, but so many people only know certain windows programs.

    Also, audio SUCKS on Linux (speaking from running PipeWire and ALAX and Pulse). Try explaining to someone how to fix that mess.

  • Fair, but I feel my point stands. It’s not like spotlight on Mac, but it actually understands what I want now. I use it mostly to launch programs.

    And before someone attacks me: I use all 3 major OSes weekly. Hot takes: Mac doesn’t suck and isn’t incompatible for the majority of tasks, but it does end support for things normal people don’t care about, Linux is not that great when it comes to normal quality of life (not power user stuff, it’s awesome for that), and windows makes things easy to access while somehow making everything behind a million menus and across different menus (but still much easier to change than linux)

  • I disagree. It’s not objectively better. I don’t hate android or anything, but their version of an ecosystem just isn’t as good. And as someone who didn’t like gestures at first, you learn them. Say what you will, but time and again apple polishes certain features that other people then copy. I have a $2,000 windows laptop, a linux desktop, and I have an android tv box. Some things really are just better on iOS