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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023

  • My apologies, my initial comment was heavy-handed because I was writing with the apparent “lacks reading comprehension” demographic in mind, and I wanted to be sure they’d understand my scorn.

    Now onto the “please just stop” portion of this: I think you’re lacking some critical background here. VOA, though obviously incredibly biased from charter to name to office carpet, has a great deal of journalistic integrity. You can be a propaganda outlet and have a commitment to truthful reporting. If you want an example of that look to NPR, another openly biased news outlet, albeit one with a liberal-leaning bias towards the internal American issues it reports on most of the time. Both are propaganda, both do very good work reporting on US news and interests. That you don’t know enough about VOA to be aware of this speaks to the notion that maybe your understanding of the subject is not nearly as comprehensive as you seem to think.

  • I imagine that, if you sat down and asked people “Is voice of america propaganda” you would get a whole bunch of people saying “is it? I didn’t realize!”. People are dumb about applying specific definitions, and propaganda is largely viewed as the stuff that comes out of leaflet bombs, or that gets played on loudspeakers in dingy german factories that Captain America is about to blow up. But, if you asked “Is VOA Biased” 97% of people will say “well yeah, duh, its called ‘Voice of America’”.

    I truly do not believe your premise that there’s huge swathes of people unaware that “Voice of America” is biased towards American interests. People are dumb, but they aren’t so dumb as to be unable to read the damn name.

  • A successful attempt, too. There’s videos of multiple missiles making it through, though fortunately they seem mostly to have landed in large outdoor spaces.

    I don’t know if we know if the missiles were proper guided missiles, or just dumb MLRS-style unguided rockets. I’d imagine it’s both, but that’s the important factor in if Iran was just flexing their capability while minimizing damage, or if this was a serious attack.

  • Oh my god, that smell is mildew. If your towels are kept so humid that they’re mildewing the colliform bacteria in your bathroom is having an entire festival on there. Please, before you get a horrible infection, please start swapping them out more frequently. I’m begging you, rubbing that on even a small open wound could be legitimately life threatening (for example if you’re the lucky winner of E.Coli roulette, which is also absolutely growing on your towels).

  • You’re not clean, though. You’re really, really not. You’re cleaner, but humans are disgusting and a residential shower is in no way getting you anything close to actually ‘clean’. You don’t have to be insane like I am and swap them out every shower, all the literature I can find says 1-3 days is probably fine, but please please get a couple more towels and swap out for a clean one every few days at least, right now you’re just culturing some very nasty bacteria and then rubbing it all over yourself.

  • I was always taught that the towel’s final role is to abrade and collect the dirt/grime/skin that has been loosened by showering, but that wasn’t washed away (which iirc is mostly just the skin and oily grime, not dirt or other large particulates).

    If it works for you then you do you! It’s just odd to discover that people think towels are somehow clean after being rubbed all over your body. It’s probably fine, the literature I’ve just dug up seems to indicate that it’s not ideal but safe to use the same towel for 1-3 days so long as you’re not sharing it, (depending on environment, it seems that they get a “disconcertingly large bacteriological load” (heh) if left in a humid bathroom) but still. ew.

  • At the risk of sounding like the kind of edgelord I was calling out initially: Who?

    No, seriously, that show was off the air before I was born. I only know what you’re talking about because of this cliche’d line, I’ve never seen the show or anything. Has there really not been anything in the 23 years since they bulldozed his neighborhood that is wholesome enough to guilt me with? Has society really stagnated that much? Is your sense of decorum only anchored by a largely forgotten children’s television show?