I wasn’t a fan of the format. (and apparently I’m not allowed to have an opinion on format)
I wasn’t a fan of the format. (and apparently I’m not allowed to have an opinion on format)
It’s built to be decentralized though, from what I read.
K-k-k-kent! It’s c-c-c-coming to k-k-k-kill you!
Another good decision by Intel execs. /s
See? AI creates jobs! Granted, it’s specialized mop up situations, but jobs!
It’ll be even more interesting in the future! Every now and then a T1000 will lose all hydraulic fluids right out it’s prosthetic anus and they’ll need someone there with a mop and bucket! Our economy lives on…
So inventive these guys. If only we could harness that ingenuity for the common good instead, it would have a huge impact.
Oh man, I was thinking this was some historical piece on a cult I hadn’t heard of, but this is happening right now! It’s very sad that people can be so far gone and commit horrendous deeds.
Oh I’m not in search of a game, but I appreciate the offer. I’ll take a look at what it’s about anywho, though. Thanks stranger.
This is excellent publicity that convinces me not to even try that game.
I can understand how the guidance systems being still controlled by NATO satellites/support mechanisms would be considered a different level for them, but is it just more sabre rattling? That’s the question.
I’ll give it a shot. Seems interesting to have something USB powered that can solder.
While I understand some of the hate in the thread, I appreciate someone creating something for us old timers. Working within the constraints of a system and making things work was a real satisfying experience.
Huh, I didn’t know that. I couldn’t see anything in that article so just used what I had seen. Thanks for the info.
Otters are not built for speed on land. If you’ve seen one run, you know it’s and awkward hop-hop-hop movement. This lady couldn’t outrun them? Law of nature comes into play I guess.
So then… Laxative and boner-pill ads all day long? Maybe mix in some Geritol here and there?
So they have a functioning government again to call a state of emergency? I thought it was zombie apocalypse over there.
Well of course it’s a joke.
It takes time for approvals and the general clusterfuck of decision-making. I’m not defending it, just what I see.
Money has been spent, budgets committed, etc. Think of it like steering a large ship. You may turn the wheel immediately, but the ship will take time to adjust it’s course.
It’s kind of you, but not a huge deal. When I tried it (when there was an initial migration to Mastodon), it was so decentralized that you couldn’t really have much of a feed and it was tough to find much of anything.