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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • In all, the UN verified “8,009 grave violations against 4,360 children” in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank – more than twice the figures for the DRC, the next worst place for violence against children.

    Of the total number of child victims verified, 4,247 were Palestinian, 113 were Israeli.

    In all, 5,698 violations were attributed to Israeli armed and security forces, and 116 to Hamas’s armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Israeli settlers were judged responsible in 51 cases, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds Brigades was involved in 21.

    Between 7 October and the end of December last year, the UN verified the killing of 2,051 Palestinian children, and said the process of attributing responsibility was ongoing, but the report noted: “Most incidents were caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas by Israeli armed and security forces.”

    The report conceded it reflected only a partial picture of the situation in Gaza.

    “Owing to severe access challenges, in particular in the Gaza Strip, the information presented herein does not represent the full scale of violations against children in this situation,” it said.

    More than twice the 2nd highest on the list (DRC) and it’s likely not even close to the full count.

    Absolutely disgusting.

  • I live very close to areas that have been evacuated but haven’t had it happen to me personally so don’t have direct experience but this is how I’ve heard it plays out at least here in the US:

    Evacuation: The local government handles the initial warnings and later directing people out of the area once it gets bad enough. There may or may not be shelters setup as well.

    Where to go: That is possibly completely on you to cover, ideally you have family close you could live with but otherwise will have to figure out housing and pay for. Shelters may be setup depending on your area but may not be the best experience since you won’t have the most privacy or comfort. I have heard stories of people just having to live in their car for awhile due to their house being destroyed while waiting for insurance payouts. I would think some insurance policies would offer reimbursement for the funds once the claim goes through but you will likely want to have an emergency fund for the immediate needs.

    Damage: Fire damage insurance is available that would either cover the cost to rebuild or pay you out. No idea on the specifics or if this applies to Canada. If it hits a large area it typically takes awhile to 1. Get paid from insurance 2. Find available construction companies to rebuild since a lot of people will need them all at the same time. I know for awhile there were donation drives to help the affected families find and pay for hotels, etc. even months after the fires. I would guess that as climate change makes these more frequent rates will likely go up or you’ll start to see insurance companies not offer it in certain areas.

    Again this is all stuff I’ve heard second hand and didn’t get a lot of details and may not apply at your area, I’d recommend researching how it works in your area for sure.