It’s funny because millions of people did vote, but it was never counted. And like 2020… These uncounted votes are proven 🤷
It’s funny because millions of people did vote, but it was never counted. And like 2020… These uncounted votes are proven 🤷
How is this guy allowed to speak to anyone?
Dang! I have watched 0 trailers and didn’t play the open beta or watch anything other than the first ever teaser. I’m going in blind as hell.
Thanks for informing me. I heard that through other people on reddit and here as well.
The product does work. Wdym? Lots of people got it and are playing it.
The issue is probably denuvo related. Or people can’t get it to run because they pirated it not know it has denuvo and are trying to playing off as a bad launch lmao.
How is it a scam? It’s $30 for the game and all DLCs of $40 for both games and all DLCs. No one said it was remaster or a remake. No one said it would have extra content. It’s a 25th anniversary sale. That’s all. Everyone knew that ahead of time. If you own the games no one is like “oh well you have to buy this version actually, your old game won’t work”
And sims 2 is still a better deal than sims 4, even being free.
I think you’re just mad at EA just to be mad at EA. Like on of those forced Ubisoft haters. Doing it for clout.
I also played the SNES version only. Was such a cool game. Open wlrldish. Had doom like levels too. So fun
Yeah. I have a PS5 and I heard gta 6 won’t launch on PC right away, but then I heard it is coming to PC lol. So idk. I’m almost hitting 40 and playing on my couch and tv has been more fun lately. But sometimes I just know a game will run much better on my PC.
What I should do is put my current build into a super small box with an external PSU and just install steam os and hook it up to my tv
Not really. There’s a reason the PS5 $10 upgrade isn’t compatible with the older versions in terms of online play. They updated a lot of graphics and models plus the 60fps. There are a lot of comparison videos on YouTube if you’re interested in even looking. The most noticable are like, damage models in cars is better, smoke looks more realistic and was redone, fire looks and acts better. Lighting is much better. Etc.
That is incorrect. They added a bunch to that $10 upgrade.
I would imagine the game is at the highest possible graphic fidelity for consoles, and also the scale of the game will have a factor.
Remember. Gta V came out 12 years ago. It didn’t run at 60fps on any console until the PS5
Why would that matter? Pirate the original if you want. Denuvo barely effects performance. That claim is so over exaggerated.
I’ve tried to like these games so much since the first one came out back in the day. I’ve played all of them, multiple times but can never go last one hour. I don’t get it. I should like these games!
I have a 3060 12gb. It’s still good. My next card will be AMD though I think. GeForce experience is killing me
That is true enough.
They’re good games.
Not as good at motorfest imo
Indent see any point in buying this unless you’re aCG artist for movies or you have a 1070ti
It’s not seeing it for them. They think that because earth has ice ages that this is just a “cycle”. They seriously believe that even though you can physically see global temps data since the 1800s and it SKYROCKETS in the 1920s and almkst triples year over. Like… It’s fucking obvious this isn’t a “natural cycle”.
The worst argument these idiots spew is: “yeah… it’s climate change… The climate changes, it’s not serious” like what!? The fuck!?
The worlds hope is on Asia and Europe’s hand. Trump once again just wants to dig for oil and gas on US soil because he’s too fucking retarded to read a book once.