• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • By the standards of the American people, the candidate should be one of those blow up car dealership streamer guys and a Bluetooth speaker playing audio of hero monologues from 80’s “step dad bait” action movies.

    The presidency is not one person, it’s an entire administration and general philosophy. We’re fed a lie that these debates always matter, they matter when candidates are unknown and then have a forum to stand out as leaders and educate voters about a vision for the country. That’s NOT the case here, the candidates are wholly known entities and these fucking debates absolutely do not matter.

    The people in this country, in their immediate reaction to this debate, demonstrate that they just fundamentally lack the focus, empathv and frankly basic intelligence to process the substance of this or any debate. On average, we respond solely to voice pitch, tonality, body language and facial expressions, like a still developing toddler… Or a dog.

  • Have any of you actually ever stopped to process what the tagline, “I’m shopping like a billionaire” means?

    I’ve always interpreted it as,

    I’m needlessly buying things that don’t make me happy, but making the purchase without any hesitation, knowing that the purchase price could never financially impact me in any real way. When I purchase the thing, I’ll probably never use it or actually take it out of the box even. It is just empty, hollow. And somewhere inside, I always know that it’s all only possible, because I’m actively exploiting the cheap labor of scores of other people that are made to perpetually suffer in generations of abject poverty to allow for my relative comfort…

    🎶*“I’m shopping like a billionaire!”*🎶

  • “Who on earth” doesn’t only speak of quantity, it also speaks of quality.

    The amount of decent, quality people with something to say and contribute to the Twitter is down to almost nothing, relative to what it was prior to elon.

    You can lose “just” 20% of the cereal in your bowl of lucky charms… Yes, most of the mass is still technically in the bowl, but you can lose all the marshmallows in that equation, meaning you’ve lost all the color, texture and flavor that made the whole thing interesting in the first place - you’re then only left with the mostly flavorless, empty, gray, soggy kibble pieces. You’re mistaking a pulse, for a meaningful quality of life.

    So, that’s modern Twitter, it’s the plain gray kibble* disintegrating in warming milk. And for “fun” they’ve actually added dog shit, rat poison and rusted razor blades to the kibble.

  • They increasingly can’t view those posts though.

    And I’d argue that the general public actually does care, you can see this reflected in places like all EV sales rising EXCEPT for tesla, Twitter losing half of its advertising revenue (a reflection of elon/Twitter being toxic to their sales goals and the platform rapidly losing eyeballs) and of course basic meme culture. The public care enough to laugh at and reject him.

    So actually a lot of reality in clear opposition of your unsupported opinion there…