• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I love answering questions as well, but I get tired at the end of the day. Yeah, my wife is also like that, so that’s why he usually comes to me for Q&A’s. I don’t mind, I love it as well, brushes on what I know and how/why things are what they are. But, as I said, at the end of the day, I’m just tired. Work, plus that, plus everything else going on in life and at 10PM I’m just drained, I just hit the hey 🤷.

  • To be honest, I was never a mecha nerd. I mean, a few episodes of this or that, mostly at friend’s places, but I never watched anime or mecha on a daily basis. But yeah, I did understand the culture and the people (some of my friends were anime and/or mecha nerds).

    That’s why I LOVED Megas 😂. It was an anime parody 😂. You don’t see too many of those, not to mention with good animations and made to look like it’s a dead serious show, lol.

    Yeah, it was meant for a more mature audience, I mean there was a lot of sex related jokes and dialogue, lol. I wish they bring it back on Adult Swim 😭. I would pay good money to see new episodes of it… I really would, that is probably the one show from my childhood that I was like “huh 🤨… you show this to kids?.. that’s so cool 😂” (I wasn’t that young, I was like 17, 18, I understood the dialogue and the jokes).

    What can I say, chicks dig giant robots man 🤷 🤟 😂.

  • My main thing is that I can’t really stand shows that have no substance - I’d much rather have shows that I can watch together with my 7yo and have things to call back to when we’re having our own disagreements and conversations.

    I do that with movies with my son, not cartoons. I want things with substance too, but not in cartoons and not too much of it (in cartoons I mean). Sure, a nice thought here and there, that’s OK, but elaborate digging into emotional subjects, that’s not for cartoons IMO.

    I can definitely see there being parents out there who would rather let the TV parent though, and shows like this one enabling them… but on the other hand, I also think that’s a positive for the shows. Bad parents are going to be bad parents, so at least in those cases a kid can at least find some kind of role model.

    That is true I guess… as much as I’d hate to admit it…

    Either way, different strokes and all that. Hope you’ve managed to find some good ones to watch these days!

    Not really, I kinda gave up… plus, I’m way too busy rasing the kid now, so I just watch Discovery Science to relax now. Kinda contradictory, I know, lol 😂.