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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • Israel has more than just US interests on their mind.

    I know, but my point is that Israel and Iran can never get along in their current state. Either Israel would have to stop being a US protectorate or Iran would have to submit to US interests. Neither is going to happen, so fruitful diplomacy isn’t possible. That (and the whole settler colonialism thing) is the core reason why they’ve been in conflict for decades. The US can’t buy Iran’s cooperation because Iran accepting that would itself be an act of submission. Israel has its own issues with Iran, but that’s irrelevant compared to (and caused by) the fundamental geopolitical incompatibility between the two states.

  • Hamas has been attacking Israel for a very long time

    Not longer than Israel has been occupying Gaza. Don’t get your cause and effect mixed up.

    and they’re not going to stop simply because Israel agrees to a ceasefire.

    They literally did. Twice. Israel then proceeded to not uphold their end of the deal.

    No, it wouldn’t, because Hamas would just re-arm and commit another Oct. 7th at an opportune point in the future.

    There is no place for Oct 7th (or any other acts of resistance) in a fair and just peace. Hamas didn’t attack for the lols.

  • Israel has amassed such an arsenal, it can continue this shit on it’s own for a good while. An arms embargo would still be appropriate though

    No way. First they can’t use some of those weapons without US approval. They’re made that way. Second, if they were running a more normal terror campaign (like shock and awe for example) that’d be correct, but they’re not. They’re carpet bombing Gaza and Lebanon using “precision” airstrikes. It’s an incredibly wasteful method of genocide that only has the advantage of being able to say “but we’re targeting terrorists”. No way they can keep up this nonsense without unlimited US weapons. Third, Israel would be eaten alive by its neighbors without US diplomatic (or “diplomatic”) support. Do you understand how much support any middle eastern leader would get by sayint “We’ll go fight Israel to save our Palestinian brothers”? The only reason it’s not happening and even Iran is leaving the job to its militias is because of the US carrot and stick.