A broken man, obsessed with 500 year old Mexican culture.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I’m CIS white dude who is rapidly approaching 40, the show is not made for me. When the pilot came out I watched it and I was rooting for the production crew; even watching some of the animatics the production crew made while podcasting.

    The contents of what I’ve seen from watching the pilot and a little bit of the full series isn’t intended for me. The struggles the characters are going through are hard for me to relate to. I’m also never a fan of Abrahamic religious framing, I find it banal. I wish the production crew the best, but I have no intention of watching more than what I’ve seen.

  • Well in your scenario who will implement this? Furthermore, what is the goal that you’re trying to engineer with a science based government? Is it personal happiness, population numbers, the production of capital, or to indoctrinate the masses to serve the state? Are you going to justify the use of eugenics? What happens when goals conflict or individuals don’t want to participate in experiments? What if the science you’re implementing has different philosophies or different schools of thought? How do you determine what is the optimal method?

  • No, I have no love for financial institutions.

    What value does a crypto bring by itself? It’s not land or a business so you can’t develop it. It’s not a person or application so it can’t perform labor. Crypto is not even physical so I can’t eat it, burn it, or use it as a paper weight.

    It’s only purpose is to be speculated on for trading purposes for REAL MONEY. Crypto currency life cycle ends with it being exchanged for another currency, that’s just redundant. It’s a griff like speculation on old comic books was back in the 90’s, except you don’t even get nerd crap you’re trying to offload.

    Finally it’s not backed by the violence of another country. Ever since USA moved off the gold standard “the faith and credit of the US government” which is a fancy way of saying the military industrial complex. That’s real and powerful if not ambiguous, which is more than I can say for a list of completed math problems. You and your kind are too weak to have a currency.

    You are not an economic revolutionary. You are part of an insular group participating in a ponzi scheme that is desperately trying to get mass adoption so you’re not “holding the bag”. In crypto there is someone always “holding the bag” because crypto has no innate value.