• 54 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • Most people have only received education regarding the holocaust.

    A more apt comparison would be the brutal French colonization of Algeria but that does not speak to people’s imagination.

    Vietnam is also a great comparison but people are still being thanked for their service in 'nam so you can imagine they are not fully up to date.

    A consistent theme in all of those stories is one culture which proclaims itself as superior trying to wipe out a culture they perceive to be inferior.

  • The full article states

    We do not do this to imply that Ukrainians were somehow unworthy of the compassionate coverage they received. But highlighting biases in US media is impossible without having a point of reference, and given the closeness in time and the total inversion of the geopolitical dynamics, the coverage of Ukraine is a useful way of showing that American media can, indeed, be broadly sympathetic when it chooses to be. The point of this analysis is not that US media should reduce its coverage of the tragedies in Ukraine to achieve parity with Gaza, but that it should elevate its coverage of the suffering in Gaza to be comparable to that of Ukraine, with the same urgent and moralizing tone.

    CNN and MSNBC’s pointed lack of sympathy with Palestinians is also important to examine because the media’s consistent dehumanization and erasure of their suffering has helped 12 months of a killing campaign, backed by unending American military and political support, that is unprecedented in the 21st century, according to Oxfam International. Israel’s operations have been characterized by a level of brutality that is difficult to capture with statistics, but here are two examples: As of January, Save the Children was reporting that an average of 10 children a day in Gaza were losing one or both of their legs per day, and in April, UN Women estimated that 19,000 children had been orphaned.