Father, Reddit refugee, EDC, Tech, 3D Printing, Retro Gaming

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I am just a little brainstorming right now, but…

    If you are a bit tech-talented and your computer is powerful enough, you might be able to change your home PC to a hyper-V „server“. So that means you set up windows (I think you need at least a pro edition), then you activate the hyper-V role. Once done you can now set up two more virtual windows PCs running on the hyper-V Host system you just created. Each one of you can use one of them with their own moonlight-sunshine connection.

  • ChatGPT kindly summarized it:

    Elon Musk is challenging conventional business practices with a unique strategy for his tech ventures. Mark Zuckerberg, inspired by Musk’s tactics, created Threads, a potential rival to Twitter. However, Threads’ user experience is disappointing, as it lacks control over followers and displays a non-chronological timeline. Despite its flaws, Threads may succeed due to its appeal to brands and the AdTech industry for data collection and marketing purposes. While not user-friendly, it could still become profitable through data scraping and advertising.