While I see your point, this could be extended to people doing dangerous sports for fun, eating unhealthy foods or engaging in any activity where one could get hurt.
While I see your point, this could be extended to people doing dangerous sports for fun, eating unhealthy foods or engaging in any activity where one could get hurt.
As a human being with my own rule over my own body I have the right to do with it as I please.
If I want to consume addictive cancer sticks until I die a slow, painful death, I have the natural freedom to do so, and laws, taxes or fines won’t stop me until I’m really locked away.
So I support other peoples freedom to smoke. It is just inhaling smoke from burning plant matter, which may be an irrational choice, but is my choice.
But, automating work and eliminating jobs should make people’s lives… better?
Sure, but not yours or mine, it seems.
Nothing is happening. There is absolutely no reason to change anything. Now go back to work.
I will never understand how people can treat other creatures like this.
And then still eat them.
I really have the urge to paint a rock now.
We are not that special. And if we were, it wouldn’t matter anyway. We are just going to kill ourselves.
Genuine question: Why? What circumstances in an “Anarchist world” would cause this behaviour?
Or the other way: If you feel like this, what in our current system stops you from acting out?