Or terrorists.
Both work in this case, but “settlers” is way too sanitary a term for what’s happening here.
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
Or terrorists.
Both work in this case, but “settlers” is way too sanitary a term for what’s happening here.
This is what you voted for, America.
they stop people from following the order in the Quoran which states that people should educate themselves.
That’s the beauty of the major world religions. When you have power in your hands you can pick and choose what you want to honor and make it public policy, and there’s nothing the plebs can do about it.
Not all religion is bullshit, but there is a lot of crossover between religious teachings and bullshit. That’s why they invented the word ‘faith’, because they are self-aware of the incredulousness of it all.
Like the utter bullshit in this article, as if 7th Century teachings have anything to say about VPN’s.
Respectfully, you think I’m denigrating Islam because it’s different from what I believe?
I’m simply pointing out what, to anyone who wasn’t raised in it, is obvious stupidity.
Really wish our species could evolve past this moronic, religious bullshit.
Yeah, that’s always the argument on the part of corpos: “This regulation is killing our profits, waaa waaa waaa.”
Europe is also leading the world in terms of progressive AI laws, something we’re not likely to see in any meaningful way for some time here in the US.
I really want to admire this guy’s courage, but with everything that’s happened in Haiti, it feels more like stubborn stupidity at this point. I hope things change and he comes through this okay, because he sounds like a pretty rad human being, all things considered.
I think the lack of correlation between public opinion and government policy is more than satisfactory to demonstrate how much our federal legislators care about your phone calls, yes.
Deleted mine two years ago.
Kinda surprised it took everyone this long, TBH.
There aren’t any ads on Mastodon. :)
You just search hashtags or set up a column so you have a feed giving you everything under a given hashtag, though it may be those communities are so niche there isn’t much on the Mastodon instance you chose. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a specific instance for Buddhism itself, though, given that it’s such a massive world religion.
You’re comparing apples to oranges.
But that’s okay.
It’s objectively a healthier option. All for it.
Having a parent in charge of programming instead of an algorithm makes a world of difference.
That’s probably fair. There’s an abundance of smug assholery in the world right now. Apologies.
This is the digital equivalent of making sure the cigarettes and liquor are locked up, because there’s a wealth of evidence that social media is harmful to young people.
If you didn’t want to have to actually parent your own children instead of parking them in front of a screen that’s driving them toward self-hatred and fascism, you shouldn’t have procreated in the first place.
Must be nice to be so rich that you can just be this fucking weird in public.
When both parties enthusiastically support a war of genocide, it’s fair to say they’re the same, yes.