The effect will be stability, but not in a good way. Like a pile of bricks being more stable than a wall because they can’t fall over.
US troops pacify enough that no government can grow there, and no foreign nations (Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, etc) can sponsor a puppet government.
Things that will be cracked down on: Any strong organization not endorsed and in leash of US military.
Things that will not be: Systemic problems like corruption, smuggling, organized crime, etc. And with no other organizing force allowed, nobody will be in power to handle those.
The result will be less violence and war, but a region that’s not sustainable or functioning. It’ll be less able to stand on its own after the US gets bored with it than it is now.
It was an opportunity to pick who would be in power for them to fight for improvement.
If they effectively meant what they claim, they’d push with heart and soul to get the lesser evil in poer and then immediately fight them tooth and nail for positive change.
“We need to fight for change. I prefer my opponent to devolve into oppressive fascism first, please.”