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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Crowfiend@lemmy.worldtolemmy.ml meta@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago


    Yeah my post there got removed and in my inbox it was cited as ‘Spam,’ even though I was commenting on how that post had (as I said previously) most of the comments removed by moderator(s).

    Tbh .ml is feeling less and less hospitable every time I interact with the instance, which sucks cause when reddit fell, .ml was my go-to. I don’t even want to use my .ml account anymore on principle.

    Here's a pic just in case that one gets deleted.

    New Edit: they removed my comment calling them out and I didn’t even get a message saying why (as if I don’t already know). I’ve also updated the link to go to the main thread, since my comments there get deleted by whatever fascist mod is doing it.

  • I’m wondering the same thing, even though I’m certain the answer is “political or cultural authoritarianism.” If a product sold challenges a demographic in power, even if it’s minimal, that demographic will outlaw it immediately.

    Example: article I saw yesterday about how Vietnamese gov told Steam to stop selling in their country because “the overwhelming library of games overshadows local devs” or something to that effect. The real reason is likely because of games that portray Vietnam in a bad light. From everything I’ve heard of the government there, the country is run by mobsters or similar.

  • To give two sides of answers to your question: I played the early MK games on the Sega Genesis, and I would say start where you want.

    As others have said, the new canon for the series starts with the 2011 game. But honestly, the 2011 game is very similar to the OG games. If you only played the OG, then the new games will only be a better version of what you played up until that point.

    If you only played the new ones, it gives prominent backstory to various characters, and the gameplay is almost identical. It’s a great starting point for newcomers.

    Biggest difference is that the new games try to make everything one seamless story, the idea being comic book multiverse things, where in one universe, Ryu isn’t the God of Lightning, but a simple student at the temple. Stuff like that.

    TL;DR: There’s no bad place to start in the Mortal Kombat games.

  • Lately when someone asks me if I’m okay, my response is something akin to, “I’ll neve be okay again, but I’m alive so I guess I’ll suffer through it.”

    My life has never been particularly bad, I’ve always had people around me that tell me they love me and care about me, but very rarely act that way. Throughout it all I’ve always found someone to lean on that actually shows some level of concern, but as I get older, those people have drifted away from me, physically and sentimentally.

    I’ve never felt more alone in life than I do now, even with a person or two that might actually care, I know they have their own lives that take precedent over me, and thus I will end up alone anyway.

    I can’t do anything to fix it, because factually, I can’t do anything right or commendable. Even when I’m doing things I’ve done flawlessly in the past, I find a way to screw up somehow and make my whole life worse, and my support network (what little there is) shrinks every day.

    So I’m stuck in place, crying myself to sleep every night, hoping to whatever people call ‘God,’ that I won’t wake up. Then I cry even harder because there are people and things that I care about more than myself, but which I will never be able to do anything for.

    I refuse to kill myself because of my sentimental debt to them, but if I can do nothing to help or honor them, then why shouldn’t I just end it all, and hope that fate treats them better than it has me? If I’m doing nothing right by being alive, what does it matter if I’m dead?

    I hate the world, and generally, but not in totality, I hate people. I hate my life and I hate myself to the very absolute core of my existence. I just want all the pain to end.