Bit of a mess, kinda depressed, and going through a gender identity crisis :3
(Ongoing issues, brain pls fix)
Note that it doesn’t mean metadata is encrypted. They may not know what you sent, but they may very well know you message your mum twice a day and who your close friends are that you message often, that kinda stuff. There’s a good bit you can do with metadata about messages combined with the data they gather through other services.
I bet Nintendo has a lot of patent violations to choose from. They have a patent on such bangers as, rephrased from legal speech to human speech: “An air mount automatically turning into a ground mount upon landing” Source
According to Nintendo, if I understand this correctly, they have the sole legal right to make a bird mount that can also sprint on the ground if needed, because that sure was a special idea.
There are feet in the camera’s face within… eight seconds. I’m surprised, but I can’t say I’m shocked.
Aside from that, it is a curious decision to make the first person camera a woman. I thought their target audience would be young men? It’s certainly a larger potential audience than lesbians, although hey, not like I mind that choice ;3
As a German, I’d very much like to throw the first stone at AFD-voters. And the second… and third.
With how absolutely entrenched the CDU is in our political system, this is about as bad as you could reasonably expect it to be. The CDU is an overall incredibly dominant party and the others are often competing for second place, which the AFD has gotten now. Them actually competing on that level is frankly terrifying.
Yep, got Timeshift hooked up to make a snapshot each time I update my system and I can boot into them via GRUB. Haven’t needed that so far, thankfully, but it’s there just in case.
Btrfs because it sounded cool when I first read about it and worked fine so far :3
I did not use Photoshop particularly long, but I have been using the Affinity Suite both on a pc and a tablet for over a year now and can say it’s definitely quite good. Everything is where you think it should be, the workflow feels very usable with no major learning curve (looking at you, GIMP), and overall the only thing I don’t like about it is its lack of Linux support. I would assume that absolute professionals won’t be able to find everything they like/want, but if you’re reading this, chances are you’re gonna be more than satisfied, if FOSS options don’t quite work for you.
Wait, it doesn’t support caldav? That really kills the appeal of the convenience they provide as a one-stop-shop, as I’d have to deal with hosting my calendars in another way. I guess at that point I could just get SimpleLogin and use the rest as I have it, even if that gets close to proton unlimited price-wise…
That site is lovely, thank you!
As I mentioned in the post, my money budget is around 1000€ as a target, but it extends both up and down. I can stretch if needed, but if that’s comically overkill then I’d be happy to go lower. Time budget… not too high, but also not super low. I can certainly spend a day or two setting everything up. Electricity costs are certainly a factor, power prices here were some of the highest globally, even before the extreme increases lately.
Also thanks for the tip of the S3 backup, it’s probably a good idea to have an extra copy of important data off-site, yeah.
Really, I’d just recommend using nano then. It’s installed basically anywhere you can find vim and works perfectly fine as a text editor! To use vim effectively it has a learning curve no matter what, so it’s not necessarily meant for everyone.
I use my computer normally, but importantly for ergo keyboards, I also play video games. Due to that, initially I looked into ZSA with their Moonlander, as it seemed to fulfill the role of being ergonomic, while having enough keys to let me comfortably game. As usual, a compromise solved neither issue. Due to neither being overly comfortable, nor being satisfactory for gaming, I ended up selling it. I’m now on a Piantor Pro and so far it’s pretty decent, while keeping my old traditional keyboard around for games. It’s not perfect, but if you play games and want an ergo keyboard there doesn’t seem to be anything that truly is.
I still have my HP laptop from a few years ago, and despite running like crap nowadays, it still manages to warm my legs through my desk
If you’re an expert tightrope walker, you’re likely not gonna fall off. You can just do it without too much issue. When you’re doing it over a chasm, and you don’t plan on dying, you’d still probably prefer a harness though, wouldn’t you?
Edit: I’m not saying C is a bad language or anything, but for important applications the safety of actually memory safe languages is vital for lower-skilled programmers and still a good assistance for higher-skilled programmers, as we’re all humans and it doesn’t hurt to try and avoid the mistakes we will eventually make.
Understandable and fair. I enjoy trying different stuff though. I’m not saying other people need to switch to another terminal emulator, I’m just here to ask what everyone else is using and then try it out myself, for fun :3
Edit: To add onto that, if I didn’t wanna try new stuff, I’d still be on Windows. I never had any major problems with it until I discovered the things Linux does better, and so if I just went with what seems fine I’d still be using Windows now. There’s not an inherent problem with that, of course, but overall the switch has benefited me. I like trying new things, you know?
I am on EndeavourOS and install packages via the command line and on top of that I primarily use Neovim, so I spend a decent amount of time in the terminal
I was considering the VPN option, but as you mentioned for game servers that’s not reasonable, and for some of the collaborative tools I’d prefer being able to give people I don’t trust that much access, for instance people at work/university, to work together with them on whatever would be needed.
If I just decided to make the home server a home-only server, that would ease a lot of my worries. I guess I could get a personal one, with sensitive info but only home network access, and just rent a second one? It’s not like they’re that expensive if you’re just doing small-scale things and find a decent provider
Most people here suggested meme names, but that’s actually a really great idea! And the names are pretty beautiful on top of that. I hope OP chooses this despite it being far from the top comment.
In my experience not just sometimes, but rather commonly. It often feels like the native Linux version, if it is even available, gets far fewer bug fixes - not like I can blame them, considering the far lower amount of Linux players, but sometimes I wonder why they even bother with it in the first place if they don’t want to bother with focusing on it, with how good Proton is.