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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • They’re still taking something they didn’t make and selling it as though they did. I have every right to write and film a Batman movie, spend as much time I want making it professional, and then show it to people, as long as I don’t charge them for it. That doesn’t give Fox or whoever the right to take my movie and charge for it instead. Even if I did break the law by making people pay for it, the actual owners would only be entitled to that money, not to go make mroe money off of it themselves. It’s still my work even if it uses concepts invented by someone else.

    There’s a reason every franchise under the sun has mountains of fanart and fanfic without the companies that own them trying to take control of it: it’s blatantly illegal.

  • Unless the game is solely bottlenecked by processing stuff

    yyyyep. Pretty much any mainline GPU made since 2010 should be able to handle TF2 just fine, and if you’ve got a 1060 or better I seriously doubt your GPU is the problem. The problem is that CPU usage is horribly optimized and it can only really utilize 2 threads (not cores, threads). After that it’s your clock speed that makes a difference.

    I played competitively on a 680 and an overclocked i5-4690k@4.2Ghz until I finally upgraded last year, and would only dip below 100FPS playing pubs on Halloween. In 6s I never went below 200.

    I mean, back in the day, I already used to get better performance when I would boot in Ubuntu 16 instead of Windows. Not sure that’s the case anymore with modern stock Ubuntu but I imagine Mint would still do better thanks to having less bloat. But I have trouble imagining that better shaders are going to help many people at all.

    edit: the vulkan update probably won’t help. the switch to 64 bit has the potential to be HUGE.

  • But Twin Galaxies’ own lawyer, David Tashroudian, faced misconduct claims of his own after he improperly contacted two witnesses in the case — prompting Superior Court Judge Wendy Chang, who’s overseeing the case, to consider referring him to the State Bar for discipline.

    I’m no lawyer, but this seems like small potatoes in comparison to Mitchell’s actively fabricating evidence and lying under oath. Absolutely shameful that after years of litigation TG’s case falls apart thanks to an idiot lawyer. Hope that lawyer gets paid nothing and Jobst’s lawsuit goes better; Mitchell needs to see real consequences for the years of intimidation and lies.

  • Taiwan is a ridiculously valuable tech asset. If China can seize control of TSMC, it’d be in an incredible position to make tons of money and potentially spy on the rest of the world. If the factories wind up inoperable for whatever reason… well, most of the chips they produce aren’t being sent to China anyway, so while it wouldn’t be good for anyone, it’d be much worse for the rest of the world. And with TSMC making efforts to offshore its talent and production anyway (even if it has been with very limited success so far), China wants to make a move sooner rather than later.

  • I drove cross country last year and saw signs of bedbugs in 3 of the 4 stops I’d picked out ahead of time. One of them was straight up still treating the room and even using a home remedy (had diatomaceous earth scattered all around the room) and then told me to my face they didn’t know what I was talking about. From what I hear, it’s only getting worse.

    Airbnbs might not be any more professional about handling the situation, but at least they handle a smaller volume of people.