• 6 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2019


  • I don’t see it withering away anytime soon. My entire career has been enterprise web development (which is why I roll my eyes at all the web dev rants). Every company I’ve worked at has used Java on the backend and some JS framework for the frontend. Java has only been improving in that time and getting much easier to write. I don’t see companies taking an (in their view) unnecessary risk that makes it harder for them to hire and lose efficiency, at least in the short to medium term.

    I think the only way that changes is if developers are interested enough to try Rust, or any other language, in their free time. If they like it enough, they’ll suggest it at work. If enough developers are doing that, it’ll slowly shift the local scene.

  • my original point was that the main idea of the article down plays the accessibility gains of the modern web. Your reading was that the author meant a different definition of accessibility and not A11y, which would mean the author didn’t just down play it, they completely ignored it. The author is complaining that the modern web is awful, while ignoring the huge gains for people who need these accessibility features and how awful web 1.0 was for them

  • Are you asking for every article ever to have a section discussing accessibility?

    No. I’m asking that when they complain about how the modern web is “fucked” and web 1.0 was better, they don’t try to act like that is an absolute, since that’s an opinion that is not widely applicable.

    No, thats just the angle that the article wanted to take. Just because it ignores an aspect of something doesn’t mean that its position is moot.

    Ignoring part of a topic makes your argument weaker.

  • Accessibility wasn’t the main topic discussed in the article

    That’s part of the problem. All these rants about the glory of Web 1.0 are ignoring the fact that Web 1.0 wasn’t usable for anybody with accessibility issues and the modern web is better for them. A tiny acknowledgement at the bottom of their rant shows how they value accessibility lower than all of their other concerns.

  • Because what use would a bodega be on it’s own? They aren’t large enough to have the inventory to replace a supermarket.

    I didn’t mean the store would have to be a bodega; that was just an example of a small store sustaining itself with that size customer base. I meant that it could be a small grocery store, one that doesn’t qualify as a supermarket. And like I said, if we’re talking about a whole district, there are multiple buildings available so you don’t have to get everything from one store. You could have a butcher in one building, a produce shop across the street, the grocery store with just nonperishables beside that, etc.

    These kinds of commercial districts with nothing but office buildings are terrible sad places to be. I’m not sure why anyone would want to live in such a depressing place.

    Because they don’t have many other options. We’re talking about affordable housing, which is needed by people who are increasingly getting priced out of non-depressing areas. And areas like what I’m describing, with small, locally owned stores colocated with housing with shared ammenities can be incredibly vibrant communities. You could even close off the interior roads and make something like the superblock concept that’s been growing (I’ve heard about it the most in relation to neighborhoods in Spain).

  • Say you get 100 apartments out of it, you can’t run a supermarket on 100 customers.

    Why does it have to be a supermarket, though? From what I’ve heard, New York City has bodegas everywhere and those are small convenience stores that have similarly sized customer bases. If the bottom floor is a small market, they have a nearly guaranteed 100 customers. And in your hypothetical commercial district, there would be more than one unused office building so more opportunity for mixed-use space.

  • 0x1C3B00DA@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlMultilemmys
    1 year ago

    Rereading my comment, it comes off a little brusque so I want to clarify a bit. I think user-defined multireddits are a good feature and could exist alongside my own proposal. Users having more control over their own feed is a good thing.

    But my proposal has a different goal, which is to reduce duplication of links and keep conversation more centralized. It’s not a feature most users would even be aware of because it’s only manageable by community mods.