So excited

    11 months ago

    Yeah I getcha. In my mind, capitalism does do a lot of good things, but it always seems to be at the expense of human life. And to me, the good that capitalism brings isn’t a justification of the countless lives ravaged in order to make the lives of the privileged comfortable.

    I totally agree with you that one has to make certain compromises in order to enjoy life with the cards we’ve been dealt. We can’t be doom and gloom all the time, that’s just miserable. However, not everyone has that luxury, as many people have had their lives irreparably destroyed by capitalism. I think it’s totally fine and healthy to personally compromise with capitalism, because that’s the only way someone has a chance at not living a horrible life. But I do stand by my previous statement that claiming that Nordic “socialism” is evil is not an unreasonable take. Capitalists do run amok in these countries, just not in the same ways as more traditionally capitalist countries.