Thats why i never buy their shit after having one laptop with one of their graphics.

Worst part? I’m still using that laptop, im doing troubleshooting right now.

Anyone else?

    2 years ago

    I agree. Nvidia drivers work fine for desktop systems with a single GPU and a single display. Everything else is a bit hit and miss. Here are a couple of real world experiences I’ve had with using linux on systems with nvidia.

    Laptops with switchable graphics are the worst. You might have set up switchable graphics with bumblebee or something thinking that everything works fine. Until you need to connect your laptop to a projector for holding a presentation or something. Then you find that you can’t connect an external display without disabling the integrated graphics in UEFI settings (causing terrible battery life), because the hdmi out is only connected to the nvidia GPU.

    I’ve also had issues on a desktop with two monitors recently, where nvidia wouldn’t respect my preferences for main monitor. The XFCE main panel would be stuck on my secondary monitor, as nvidia has decided that it is the primary display, even if I’ve selected something else in settings. If I worked around this by creating a new panel on the correct monitor, this panel would not be visible if I try to connect remotely with XRDP.