Hey everyone,

I am exploring switching over to Linux but I would like to know why people switch. I have Windows 11 rn.

I dont do much code but will be doing some for school. I work remote and go to school remote. My career is not TOO technical.

What benefits caused you to switch over and what surprised you when you made the switch?

Thank you all in advanced.

  • whodoctor11@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I really liked Windows XP & 7, it was good in the time I was tech illiterated, but I buyed a new laptop and I have to use 10. I didn’t hate it. But then, 11 comes. And was crap That time I was becoming concerned with privacy and decided to switch straight to Arch. Best thing I did in a computer. And I was more convinced when I saw that Windows 12 desktop concept that Microsoft showed, basically crapier MacOS.

    I am happy with Arch KDE. The only problems I had until today were caused by my unknowledge. I don’t plan to ever return windows.