(Please provide your Lemmy app recommendations in the comments)

There are two apps, in particular, that I am testing.

Mlem (iOS) & memmy (iOS & Android)

Both are plugging away and looking very good.

  • wpuckering@lm.williampuckering.com
    2 years ago

    It’s awesome to see Lemmy getting lots of love, and choice in the mobile app space is great for everyone. But some part of me also kind of wishes that rather than spreading so much development effort out over so many mobile apps, that more developers would jump in and contribute to polishing up the official open source Lemmy mobile app, Jerboa. I can’t help but feel that it would be nice to see a focused effort somewhere in bringing that one in particular up to snuff, as a sort of “reference” app. And have a few others floating around out there just for some diversity and testing innovative ideas.

    Maybe it’s already that way, I don’t know. It kind of feels like there’s a new Lemmy mobile app announced every couple of days.