An aid package scheduled for Ukraine later this month will be the final one unless Congress approves additional help, the White House warned Monday.

While aid provided to Ukraine thus far has been essential in resisting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the country “still needs our help,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters Monday.

He pointed toward a letter to Congress from the comptroller of the Department of Defense, Mike McCord, warning the department had fully allocated all remaining funding under the department’s replenishment authority earmarked for Ukraine.

“We are still planning one more aid package to Ukraine later this month. However, when that one’s done, as the comptroller Mr. McCord made clear in his note to Congress today, we will have no more replenishment authority available to us, and we’re going to need Congress to act without delay, as we have been saying,” Kirby said.

    10 months ago

    It’s not really suddenly. They’ve been trying to help Russia from the beginning. The attack by Hamas on Israel was very fortunate for Russia, since the republicans have been able to conflate the two so now the funding is stuck in limbo, funding Israel doesn’t need for their genocide as it happens. Completely coincidentally Iran, who likely helped get arms to Hama’s is a great friend of Russia. Israel being strangely myopic about that attack when they normally have eyes on everything is also very fortunate for Russia. It seems too elaborate for Russia to have orchestrated this in any way, but Putin has proven to be a conniving cunt in the past.