JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Israel would “crush and destroy” Hamas in response to its attack.

Netanyahu said every Hamas member was a “dead man.”

Netanyahu made the remarks in a late-night televised address as Israeli planes pounded Gaza in response to the unprecedented attack.

    11 months ago

    Consider that prior shows of strength are exactly why things are where they are. Which then raises the question- is this really making up for any thing? Is dead enemies really enough to make up for dead friends, dead parents or dead children?

    Or is it really just a perpetuation and escalation of the problem? A continuation of a pattern where they kill your friends, parents, brothers and sisters, and children, so you kill their parents, brothers and sisters and children, leading to more and ever increasing retaliation?

    Yes, Hamas are objectively terrible, and are commuting atrocities and are terrorists. But, the Israeli government aren’t the saints here.