Also biased admins, there are places that are manipulated for disinformation purposes. It is kind of scary, when the sceptical view point gets deleted or thread blocked for no other reason than harming their often made up narrative.
Edit. Thread blocked as in you are blocked from posting and they can have a last rotten cherry on top
there are powermods, and some mods have control of 500 subs, i think 92 mods control just 500 of those subs, and some of them might be admins too/ or at least friends with admins.
Also biased admins, there are places that are manipulated for disinformation purposes. It is kind of scary, when the sceptical view point gets deleted or thread blocked for no other reason than harming their often made up narrative.
Edit. Thread blocked as in you are blocked from posting and they can have a last rotten cherry on top
there are powermods, and some mods have control of 500 subs, i think 92 mods control just 500 of those subs, and some of them might be admins too/ or at least friends with admins.