Is anyone else sick and tired of how many games these days are focused around gun fighting? IMO, FPS games haven’t markedly improved since the original counter strike which I played as a CHILD. Frankly, I just wish we could all stop obsessing over guns and come up with something new.

EDIT: A good example right now is Starfield. Why is a game that is ostensibly about exploration and discovery so obsessed with guns? Let’s be honest, the combat doesn’t even look good. It’s certainly not better gun combat than 90 percent of FPS games from the last decade. So it begs the question: Why have guns at all?

EDIT 2: I’m realizing I should have posted this in c/UnpopularOpinion

    1 year ago

    I disagree about Starfield’s gunplay looking bad – it actually looks fun to me, though not groundbreaking or anything. But I think guns are so prevalent in games because of the basic nature of the interaction. It’s far easier to code “press trigger -> fire projectile” than it is to code a complex and nuanced conversation system. It’s a simple way to interact with a virtual world. Not to mention the fact that first-person shooter is an entire genre in and of itself, built on the idea of “shooting” as the primary mechanic. There are only so many ways you can use buttons to interact with a game.

    I agree that guns can be relied on far too often in games, but it’s not that difficult to research and find games without guns in them. Usually indie/small studio titles though, I’ll give you that.