• j4k3@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I really think this rhetoric lacks the weight of the big picture. The implications of what is happening on the world stage is a collapsing of the house of cards. Parallels should be drawn between the League of Nations ineptitude and the present reincarnation in the United Nations.

    The article tints as if the UN is somehow an authority when in reality it is just as transient as its predecessor. I believe the UN is primarily useful as a litmus test for the next world war in a similar fashion as its predecessor. When the effectiveness of global diplomacy fails its own established standards, the news is not the failure. The news is the broader implication of world wide conflict.

    We also keep talking about the problems of climate change. Yet we seem to forget, in the past, food and resources were far less plentiful. When governments failed to secure the basic necessities, they used war to either secure the resources required or reduce the mouths they had to feed. A win or a loss still achieved a solution to the population problem. No science or engineering were required for a government that is only concerned with the simplest solution. The elite have never had ethics, and have never cared. The only ways they change are when it places their longevity at risk. A world war on an unprecedented scale is the solution that they have decided. All of the subtle details point to this inevitable eventuality. Likely, half of us won’t see 2030. This is what the irrelevance of the UN really means.